
22A — June 28 - July 11, 2019 — Anniversary — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal



By Sue Boyle, GEI Consultants and Barry Hersh, NYU Schack Institute of Real Estate 10th Anniversary of the Northeast Sustainable Community Workshop – by and for Brownfielders T

of PowerPoints. NSCW is self- sustaining, by and for Brown- fielders; affordable- especially for community organizations and government officials, led by significant volunteer effort, with limited contracted staff assistance. NSCW's goal has always been to break new ground, offer new ideas and new concepts on the topics of sustainability, collabo- ration and leverage, contami- nation, resiliency, redevelop- ment challenges, remediation technology, and their impact on community revitalization. At- tendees include a vibrant mix of representatives from com- munities, government, higher education, professional orga- nizations, and laboratories, as well as attorneys, developers, contractors, and consultants. NSCW was never about “stars”, but over the years we’ve heard from some notable leaders; the inimitable Charlie Bartsch, Mathy Stanislaus then new Assistant Adminis- trator at USEPA’s OSWER, Ed Chu then of White House Coun- cil on Environmental Quality, David Lloyd and others from USEPA. Also, numerous NJ, NY and CT State commission- ers, New York City’s first OER Director, Dan Walsh, several times, plus other officials and private brownfield redevelop- ers such as Joe Cotter, George Vallone and Alexander Durst. For our 10th anniversary we are having, as we did the first NSCW, a representative from the Federal Reserve Bank. Who were the pioneers who created NSCW? Let’s start with Lee Ilan NY and Sue Boyle NJ, who have volunteered to plan and implement all 10 NSCWs and the three Tri-States that preceded. Other original team members over the decade plus include Michael Taylor CT, Col- leen Kokas NJ, Gary Rozmus NY, Larry Schnapf NY, Barry Hersh CT, Beth Barton, CT, Lee Hoffman CT, Brian Clark PA, and Jill Gaito PA. NJ So- ciety of Women Environmental Professionals (SWEP) was the “official” organizational back- stop for contracts in the early years and the long-time sponsor of the networking receptions each year thanks to Jeanne Mroczko, Ms. Kokas and Ms. Boyle’s leadership roles at SWEP. Another NSCW goal is to help further careers. John Orsini worked on sponsorships until finding a new position as continued on page 24A

he genesis of the NSCW was the realization brownfield redevelop- ment was a regional market; metro New York including NYC and suburbs and parts of CT, NJ and PA. NSCW founders also saw early, before Superstorm Sandy, the con- nections between sustainable and resilient communities and brownfield redevelopment. A predecessor was called Tri- State Brownfield Conference, but NSCW founders wanted real, free-flowing participation; with many panels, time for discussions, and minimal use

Original NSCW Planning Committee Members shown from left: Sue Boyle (NJ), Beth Barton, Esq. (CT), Larry Schnapf, Esq. (NY), Colleen Kokas (NJ), Lee Ilan (NY), Barry Hersh (CT).

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