
6D — May 10 - 23, 2019 — Multifamily — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal



By Bob Kilroy, Jewel Electric Supply Bringing the Indoors Out

w e a t h e r for several months but now spring is finally here. T h e t i m e has come to get outside e n j o y t h e flowers, play W

e have al l been cooped up inside avoiding the cold

dominant factor in the brain’s ability to focus. Natural light helps improve behavior, cre- ate less anxiety and stress, and improves overall health. Lighting has its affects on blood pressure, pulse, respira- tion rates, brain activity, and a myriad of other physical brain and health issues. Today we enjoymore options in lighting than ever before. We use lighting to accomplish many functions. Landscape lighting for instance is used for safety around the property, to enhance beautification of the property helping to in- crease the property’s value,

lets not forget the addition of curb appeal and security. A lot of outdoor space would be wasted if it couldn’t be used after sunset, adding outdoor lighting helps rejuvenates that unused space into a space which can be used for evening activities while extending the outdoor season into the fall. Lighting today is available in many styles, shapes and colors. The vintage lighting look is extremely popular. It is offers classical charm and is a smart choice for offering potential energy savings while complimenting just about any lighting design. This timeless

classic is available in several wattage variations and a di- versity of styles. Some of those styles include the “A” style, elongated “P” shape, torpedo shape, candle shape or the retro-looking filament style lamps. Today’s lighting offers color changing options and easy controls. Daylight sensors can be used to sense the amount of natural light entering a space and then automatically adjust the artificial light to maintain the amount of lu- mens in that space. Dimming can now be done remotely, no longer is every room required

to be equipped with a dim- mer and thus bringing the convenience of dimming to the great outdoors. Add in the use of smartphones to control devices ranging from lighting dimmers to thermostats and yes, we have come a long way. Osram / Sylvania is one of the first companies to be offering smart lighting prod- ucts with the latest Bluetooth mesh technology. The mesh technology gives the user some essential advantages: It extends the signal range sig- nificantly. The signal reaches up to 300 meters and thanks to this cutting-edge signal standard, you can set up an entire smart-home system as well as connect such Blue- tooth mesh-enabled devices as thermostats, language assistants, and the like. And not to be forgotten: The user will really notice the shorter response time – LED lighting products can respond even more quickly to the changes made on a smartphone. Try it out today and experience the exciting new world of smart lighting on display in the Jewel Electric booth at this year’s NJAA Conference. Be sure to visit us in Booth 429! LED lighting is revolution- izing our homes with exciting new illuminating options. In- dividual automated sequences for indoor and outdoor con- trolled with your voice, smart- phones and more are just the tip of the iceberg. There are an array of fixtures that are color changing helping to set the mood for any party or holiday, automated door locks, lighting and cameras provide a greater sense of security. Bob Kilroy is Executive Director of Operations Jewel Electric Supply.  winning a game in your favorite sport, but it does help avoid un- necessary pain. Since we know from Tversky and Kahneman that humans are all about avoiding pain, avoiding fines is as good a reason as any to get started. But rest assure, it is also a really good idea. For a comprehensive guide to multi-family composting, visit http://www.recyclingrulesac. org/docs/Multi-family_Com- postingCollectionGuide.pdf. Lisa Cassidy is president & founder of ecoImagine. n continued from page 2D Closing the Loop: How to win at . . .

Bob Kilroy

some baseball, golf, or your favorite sport or maybe just indulge on some barbeque all while taking advantage of the nice weather and all of that natural light. Lighting is a

Markets we serve: Commercial Industrial Residential

Electrical Contractors State, Municipal & Government Hospital & Institutions Property Management & Hospitality Products we offer: Wire, Pipe, Fittings & Wiring Devices Switchgear, Panelboards, Motor Controls & Motors Lighting & replacement Lamps LED Retrofits, Fixtures and other Energy Efficient Products Sub-Metering Equipment Meters, Tools & Ladders Safety Devices & Equipment Fire Alarms, Smoke Detectors & Burglar Alarms Generators Services we offer: On time Deliveries to meet customer requirements 24/7 Emergency Response Inventory Management Project quotes Lighting & Energy Audits Customer Training

455 Third Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 Ph: 201-653-1613 Fx: 201-653-5470 Bob Kilroy bkilroy@Jewelelectric.com

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