
E nvironmental /G reen B uildings

M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Environmental/Green Buildings — February 28 - March 12, 2020 — 7B


ARSIPPANY, NJ — EWMA announced plans for its new cor- New space to support growing staff with state-of-the-art tech, lounges and amenities access EWMA announces relocation to new Parsippany, NJ headquarters P

EWMA and our new facility will be a great place to work," Sylvester said. "Our new space will allow our shared services and operating teams to better serve our employees, vendors, and customers, and will help facilitate our next wave of growth." “The goal of this new work- space is to support what em- ployees want and need from a work environment, and for many of them, that’s tech to make their jobs simpler,” Syl- vester added. “We took that to heart when selecting and de- signing a new headquarters.” According to Don Richard- son , president of EWMA, the company chose to stay in the Parsippany area to continue public open comment period, receiving over 700 comments and three dozen public agen- cy memos. The comments covered every aspect of the Criteria, including feedback on the new “Path to Zero” emissions elimination strat- egy, which encourages af- fordable housing developers to cost-effectively reduce and eventually eliminate build- ing emissions. Residential and commercial buildings currently account for 36 % of global energy use and 39 percent of carbon dioxide emissions annually. For the first time, the Criteria will of- fer two levels of certification; Enterprise Green Communi- ties Certification Plus will recognize the most exemplary green developments making the greatest strides along the “Path to Zero.” In addition to the Path to Zero, other major updates to the 2020 Criteria include: • New Project Priorities Survey to shape project goals with resident input, which frames goal setting to pro- mote equity and recognition of climate change • New approach to Rural/

their support of the greater Morris County business com- munity. “We’ve made a 20-plus year commitment to Morris Coun- ty’s economy, and to Parsippa- ny in particular,” Richardson said, noting that EWMA is a longtime member of the Morris County Chamber of Commerce and regularly participates in fundraisers for local chari- ties. “We are committed to the economic vitality of this area.” There is a practical element, too: Richardson said that Par- sippany’s access to major high- ways, excellent schools, and shopping make the community an ideal one for those looking to live, work, and play within their new chosen communities. Tribal/Small Towns projects; requirements for access to public transit have been re- placed with new requirements for access to broadband • Amplified approach to stormwater management • New water-quality crite- rion that addresses lead and legionella • Smoke-free requirement for all common spaces • New approach to healthy and environmentally friendly building materials to avoid chemicals of concern and re- duce emissions Enterprise also announced a new partnership with the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) to promote the development of green affordable housing that pri- oritizes community health and well-being. With the launch of the 2020 Criteria, affordable housing that is Enterprise Green Communities-certified will also be certified to IWBI’s WELL Building Standard. Building sustainably is a cost-saving tool over the long term and one of the most ef- fective means of controlling operating expenses. Criteria- certified homes typically cost

Being so close to amenities and recreation opportunities alike makes it easy for employees to access what they need, when they need it. “We liked Parsippany for a long time because of its ease of access to other parts of the state, but as we grew, we began to see how much our employees appreciated being so close to practical ameni- ties,” adds Richardson. “The entire area continues to draw a diverse and talented work- force; it’s truly a gem of Morris County, and we are excited to continue growing our roots here for years to come.” EWMA will move into its new headquarters by Fall 2020.  around 2% more to build, but provide a simple payback from utility bill savings alone in less than seven years. Building green can also reduce costs of living, including utilities and health care, as well as the proportion of a family’s income that goes toward transporta- tion to work, school and local services. Enterprise first developed the Criteria to demonstrate that green affordable housing is possible, educate developers and the public about green af- fordable housing design and construction practices and create access to healthier and more cost-efficient homes for people living in affordable housing. Since then, Enter- prise has deployed trainings and a TA Provider Network to address capacity issues; devel- oped debt and equity products, grants and other sources of capital to expand opportu- nities for affordable green development; and worked with HUD and state Housing Finance Agencies to incen- tivize (and require in some municipalities) building green within existing institutional and political frameworks. 

porate headquarters in Par- sippany. After more than 20 years in the Lanidex Plaza, the environmental remediation company said its new facility will be ready for occupancy in the fall of 2020. “This brand new facility, now under construction, will help improve productivity, which will allow us to better serve our clients, plus create even more job opportunities,” said Michael Sylvester , executive vice president of EWMA. “Our modernized design supports enhanced workforce collaboration and teamwork, on all levels and

across all departments.” For the past 20 years, EWMA has also been a proud partner of the Parsippany community. “As the company begins its next chapter of expansion, we are looking forward to in- vesting in the tremendously talented employees within the area. It is an exciting time for Michael Sylvester &Don Richardson

Strategies for affordable housing developers to cost-effectively reduce building emissions Enterprise Community Partners issues 2020 national building standards for green, emission-free housing

COLUMBIA, MD — En- terprise Community Part- ners (Enterprise) launched

configuration of common spaces and so many more— make a tangible difference for people, their homes and their communities,” said Laurel Blatchford , president of En- terprise. “The Criteria help ensure those choices take into account everything we know about healthy living environ- ments and energy efficiency. In the 2020 update, we are expanding the requirements that help protect vulnerable communities from the effects of our changing climate and ensuring that the buildings we create can withstand disas- ters that can upend lives and destroy whole communities.” To inform and develop the updated Criteria, Enterprise engaged with hundreds of partners over 18 months, including a Technical Work- ing Group of green building subject matter experts, an Advisory Working Group of affordable housing stake- holders and a Policy Work- ing Group of federal, state and local policymakers who incentivize green affordable housing. In summer 2019, Enterprise solicited feedback through a

t h e 2 0 2 0 Enterpr i se Green Com- m u n i t i e s C r i t e r i a (Cr i t e r i a ) , which set the standard for green afford- able housing

Laurel Blatchford

construction nationwide. The Criteria, first launched in 2005 in consultation with leading environmental, pub- lic health and green building experts, were the first nation- al green building guidelines specifically for affordable housing. Today, 27 states and Washington DC require that affordable housing develop- ments receiving public funds comply with the Criteria. This year alone, the Criteria will be used to create or pre- serve more than 200 environ- mentally friendly multifamily affordable housing develop- ments. “The choices developers make during the design and construction process—loca- tion, building materials, the

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