
Real Estate Journal — Green Buildings — March 28 - April 10, 2014 — 22B


M id A tlantic

G reen B uildings

ustainable development is good business. Wheth- er reducing utility costs By W. David Henderson LEED AP BD+C, HHG Development Associates LLC Sustainable development is the smart business choice S

Trenton’s Wire Rope District is a good model. An early 20th century wire rope factory, the building was designed to per- form in a less energy intensive era, making it perfectly config- ured to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. Evenly lit throughout by roof monitors and large fac- tory windows, Building 114 minimizes the need for arti- ficial lighting for most tasks. The radiant heating pipes that line the perimeter walls will be relocated under the floor slab when the slab is replaced to install tenant power and data conduit. Ra-

diant heating delivers heat at the floor, where it is most needed. Through heating solids, including occupants, radiant heating achieves oc- cupant comfort at a lower air temperature or thermostat setting. Remember walking on the sunny side of the street on a cold winter day. If cues from an early 20th Century structure suggest many sustainable initiatives, others can be achieved by careful use of cutting-edge technology. The presence of sufficient glazing to ad- equately daylight a structure requires window shading,

controlled to eliminate glare and minimize heat gain in summer. Utilizing a comput- erized control system, such as Mechoshade’s SolarTrac sys- tem also to operate the HVAC systems would allow HVAC equipment to anticipate and respond early to loads, reduc- ing peak demand. Energy re- covery ventilators (ERV’s) will heat or cool filtered fresh air with the air being exhausted, reducing energy usage. A 130,000 kWH roof-mounted solar photovoltaic system will further reduce energy costs and provide power security for criti- cal data and communications

systems through battery storage. Building 114 renovation will specify no or low VOC paint, sealants and adhesives, and no added urea formaldehyde in cabinetry. Larger walk-off mats will both minimize entry of contaminants and reduce floor care, particularly during unseasonable weather. Sustainable development is the smart business choice, and structures like Building 114 provide optimal and cost- effective facilities for the 21st Century workforce. W. David Henderson LEED AP BD+C is a prin- cipal with HHG Develop- ment Associates LLC.  MGKF’s Gotanda Elected to Board of Directors of ThinkTech Hawaii PHILADELPHIA, PA & HAWAII — Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox partner Hawaii is a non-profit cor- poration whose mission is to raise public awareness about the importance of tech, ener- gy, diversification and global- ism to the future of Hawaii and to provide a digital media platform for civic engage- ment. ThinkTech Hawaii’s studio in downtown Hono- lulu produces talk shows that are broadcast daily via livestream on the internet, available on demand, and featured weekly on channel OC16. Earlier this year Gotanda was featured on ThinkTech’s Making Leadership Work series on a program entitled “Cross-Country Law Practice is the Way of the Future”. In the interview she shared how she embraced the op- portunity to expand MGKF’s environmental, energy and sustainability law practice to Hawaii after relocating there and becoming a member of the Hawaii bar. She is also a Co-Program Director for the Environmental, Energy & Resources Section of the Ha- waii State Bar Association.  Brenda Gotanda B r e n d a G o t a n d a was recent- l y e l e c t ed to serve on the Board of Directors of ThinkTech H a w a i i . ThinkTech

t h r o u g h energy-effi- cient or low- flow equip- m e n t , o r daylighting and improv- ing indoor air quality to increase em- ployee pro-

W. David Henderson

ductivity through healthier, happier workers, the result is a better bottom line. The John A. Roebling Son’s Company Building 114 in

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