
10C — January 11 - 24, 2019 — Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


P ennsylvania

Real Estate Individual of the Year Smith of NAI Summit is honored at the March of Dimes Commercial & Industrial RE Awards B their cause. This year they raised a total of over $100,000 for the March of Dimes.

to deliver the highest quality of service to our clients and it has rewarded us with the op- portunity to serve clients and the community.” The March of Dimes Com- mercial and Industrial Real Estate Awards ceremony was originated in 1993 by local commercial and real estate professionals, of which Frank is a founding member. This es- teemed awards ceremony cel- ebrates its 25th year contrib- uting all funds raised by this event to support the March of Dimes cause. Within those 25 years, they have raised over $1.5 million with this event to help.  Bennett Williams Comm' l. handles 5401 s/f of PA leases YORK, PA — Bennett Williams Commercial , one of the largest third-party, com- mercial real estate firms in Central PA has arranged the following transactions: 1,188 s/f retail space at Up- town Plaza, 720 Division St., Harrisburg City. Cricket Wire- less leased the space fromTown Associates. Blake Shaffer and Justin Willits of Bennett Wil- liams Commercial represented the tenant and Mark Jacobs, Brad Rohrbaugh , and Chad Stine of Bennett Williams Commercial represented the landlord in the transaction. 1,000 s/f retail space at Ar- lington Plaza, 2709 S. Queen St., York Twp. Soham Enter- prises, LLC leased the space from Arlington Plaza Associ- ates, LP. Chris Seitz and Karen Neiderer of Bennett Williams Commercial repre- sented both the tenant and the landlord in the transaction. 1,413 s/f retail space at Walker Road Shoppes, 500 Walker Rd., Chambersburg Borough. R.R.I. Enterprises, LLC dba Sport Clips leased the space from Quattro Cham- bersburg, LLC. Blake Shaf- fer, Rohrbaugh, and Stine of Bennett Williams Commercial represented the landlord in the transaction. 1,800 s/f retail space at Lime Spring Square, 206 Rohrer- stown Rd., East Hempfield Twp., Lancaster County, PA. SoBol 206 leased the space from Rohrerstown Road, LP. Abe Khan , Rohrbaugh, and Stine of Bennett Williams Commercial represented the landlord in the transaction. 

the Lehigh Valley. Event chairperson, Christa Krafti- tian, Spillman Farmer Ar- chitects said, “Frank was selected by the committee because of his extensive expe- rience in many aspects of real estate in the region, his long- term commitment to a number of local non-profits and his cooperative and collaborative approach to working with clients, owners and other pro- fessionals in the community.” Frank concluded his remarks at the event by saying, “integ- rity matters in our business and personal life. We strive

ETHLEHEM, PA — With over 500 attend- ees present, Frank T. Smith, CCIM, CPM , prin- cipal of NAI Summit , was recently honored as the “Real Estate Individual of the Year” at the 25th annual March of Dimes Commercial & Indus- trial Real Estate Awards cer- emony held at Musikfest Café in Bethlehem. Each year, the Lehigh Valley March of Dimes holds this event to recognize individuals and organizations that have significantly en- hanced the local community and to help raise money for

Smith was recognized for his 35+ years of service and positive contributions in the commercial and industrial real estate industry. Smith is a Certified Commercial In- vestment Member (CCIM) along with a Certified Prop- erty Manager (CPM) who specializes in brokerage, prop- erty and asset management, project management, consult- ing and development. He also participates on various boards in organizations throughout

Frank T. Smith, CCIM, CPM

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