First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

Child/Adult Ratio

Age Restrictions

Licensed Capacity Adults

Total children

Total infants and toddlers Of the total children under school age, a combined total of no more than 4 shall be infants and toddlers. Of this total, no more than 3 shall be infants.

(3) 14



A helper may be used in place of a second adult caregiver when there is no more than 1 infant or toddler present.

D. Specialized Infant and Toddler Group Family Day Care:




Of the total children, no more than 4 shall be infants.

Both caregivers shall be adults. 9502.0375 REPORTING TO AGENCY. Subpart 1. Abuse , neglect reporting. All caregivers shall report any suspected physical abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect of a child to the agency or police as required by Minnesota Statutes, section 626.556. If a caregiver has reasonable cause to believe a child has died as a result of physical or sexual abuse or neglect, the caregiver shall report this information to the county medical examiner or coroner. Subp. 2. Other reporting. The provider shall inform the agency: A. within 30 days of any change in the regular membership of the household within the day care residence or the addition of an employee who will regularly be providing care; B. immediately of any suspected case of physical or sexual abuse or neglect; C. within 48 hours after the occurrence of a fire that requires the service of a fire department so the agency may determine continued substantial compliance with parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445; and D. immediately after the occurrence of any serious injury or death of a child within the day care residence. A serious injury is one that is treated by a physician. 9502.0385 [Repealed, L 2007, c 112, s 59] Published Electronically: October 8, 2007 9502.0395 BEHAVIOR GUIDANCE. Subpart 1. Methods. Caregivers shall give each child guidance which helps the child acquire a positive self-concept, self-control, and teaches acceptable behavior. A. The provider shall discuss methods of behavior guidance with parents at the time of admission and the parent’s standards shall be considered by the provider within the context of this part when guiding the behavior of a child.


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