First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

B. specify the rule part headings contained in parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445; and C. state that a complete copy of parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445 may be seen at the day care residence, the agency, department, or State Law Library, or purchased from the Print Communications Division, Department of Administration, State of Minnesota, 117 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155. Subp. 3. Provider policies. The provider shall have the following written information available for discussion with parents or the agency: A. the ages and numbers of children in care in the residence;

B. the hours and days of operation; C. meals and snacks to be served; D. labeling requirements for food brought from the child’s home; E. sleeping and rest arrangements; F. nondiscrimination practices to comply with subpart 6; G. policies for the care of ill children, disease notification procedures, H. emergency, fire, and storm plans and the monthly fire drill log; I. seat belt and transportation plans and field trip and transportation

immunizations, and medicine permission policies;

permission requirements; J. fees;

K. termination and notice procedures; L. plans for a helper and substitute for emergencies, vacations, or holidays; M. the presence of pets in the residence; N. a complete copy of parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445; O. insurance coverage; and P. whether or not smoking is permitted in the residence during the hours children are in care. Subp. 4. Records for each child. The provider shall obtain the information required by items A to C from parents prior to admission of a child. The provider shall keep this information up-to-date and on file for each child. A. The signed and completed admission and arrangements form of the department must be on file in the provider’s home and contain the following information: (1) Name and birthdate of the child. (2) Full name of parents. (3) Home address, work address, and telephone numbers where parents may be reached. (4) Name, address, and telephone number of physician, dentist, and hospital to be used for emergencies when parents cannot be reached.


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