First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

(5) Name, address, and telephone number of persons to be notified in case

of emergency, when parents cannot be reached.

(6) Names of all persons authorized to remove the child from the residence. (7) Enrollment dates. (8) Financial arrangements. (9) Insurance notification specified in part 9502.0355, subpart 4. B. Special instructions from the parent shall be obtained in writing and followed about toilet training, eating, sleeping or napping, allergies, and any health problems. C. Immunization records must be kept in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 121A.15. The provider shall request, update, and keep on file the dates of immunizations received by a child in regular attendance at the residence as follows: (1) for an infant, every six months; (2) for a toddler, annually; (3) for a preschool child, every 18 months; and (4) for a school-age child, every three years. D. Signed written consent must be obtained in advance from the parent so the provider can obtain emergency medical care or treatment. The consent may be used if the parent cannot be reached or is delayed in arriving. E. Written permission to transport children must be obtained from parents if the provider will be transporting a child. F. A provider shall release a child from care only to a parent or a person authorized by the parent. Subp. 5. Children with disabilities. For children with disabilities requiring special therapy, program, or behavior guidance, the parents, physician, or therapist shall provide and the provider shall follow written instructions for any special needs. “Child with a disability” means a child who has been determined by a physician, a school district multidisciplinary team, or other person licensed to identify disabling conditions, to have a hearing, mental, neurological, developmental, serious emotional, social, learning, speech or language, physical, or visual impairment. Subp. 6. Nondiscrimination. No caregiver shall discriminate in relation to admissions on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, religion, or sex. 9502.0415 ACTIVITIES AND EQUIPMENT. Subpart 1. General activities. Day care activities must provide for the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development of the child. The environment must facilitate the implementation of the activities. Activities must: A. be scheduled indoors and outdoors, weather permitting; B. be appropriate to the developmental stage and age of the child;


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