First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

not used by children may not be counted as usable space. Space occupied by adult furniture, if it is used by children, may be counted as usable indoor space. B. Usable indoor space may include a basement if it has been inspected by a fire marshal, is free of hazard, and meets the minimum exiting standards specified in subpart 4. Subp. 2. Outdoor play space. There must be an outdoor play space of at least 50 square feet per child in attendance, adjacent to the residence, for regular use, or a park, playground, or play space within 1,500 feet of the residence. On-site supervision must be provided by a caregiver for children of less than school age when play space is not adjacent to the residence. Enclosure may be required by the agency to provide protection from rail, traffic, water, or machinery hazard. The area must be free of litter, rubbish, toxic materials, water hazards, machinery, unlocked vehicles, human or animal wastes, and sewage contaminants. Subp. 3. Water hazards . Swimming and wading pools, beaches, or other bodies of water on or adjacent to the site of the residence must be inaccessible to children except during periods of supervised use. Wading pools, as defined in chapter 4717, must be kept clean. When children use a swimming pool, as defined in chapter 4717, or beach, an attendant trained in first aid and resuscitation shall be present. Any public swimming pool, as defined in chapter 4717, used by children must meet the requirements of chapter 4717. Subp. 4. Means of escape. From each room of the residence used by children, there must be two means of escape. One means of escape must be a stairway or door leading to the floor of exit discharge. The other must be a door or window leading directly outside. The window must be openable without special knowledge. It must have a clear opening of not less than 5.7 square feet and have a minimum clear opening dimension of 20 inches wide and 24 inches high. The window must be within 48 inches from the floor. Subp. 5. Occupancy separations. Day care residences with an attached garage must have a self-closing, tight fitting solid wood bonded core door at least 1-3/8 inch thick, or door with a fire protection rating of 20 minutes or greater and a separation wall consisting of 5/8 inch thick gypsum wallboard or its equivalent on the garage side between the residence and garage. Subp. 6. Vertical separations. For group family day care homes with a licensed capacity of more than ten children, a 1-3/4 inch solid wood core door or a door and frame with at least a 20-minute fire protection rating, must be provided whenever more than two floors of the residence are connected. These doors must be equipped with self-closing devices. Subp. 7. Heating and venting systems. The following heating and venting guidelines must be met: A. Stove and heater locations must not block escape in case of a fire. B. Gas, coal, wood, kerosene, or oil heaters must be vented to the outside in accordance with the State Building Code.


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