First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

Subp. 4. Toxic substances. All medicines, chemicals, detergents, poisonous plants, alcoholic beverages, and other toxic substances must be inaccessible to children. They must be stored away from food products. Equipment or toys which are mouthed or may be chewed must be free of lead-based paint. Toys and equipment with chipped, cracked, or peeling paint must be tested to verify the absence of lead or be replaced. Subp. 5. Firearms. All firearms must be unloaded and inaccessible to children. Ammunition and firearms must be stored in separate locked areas. Subp. 6. Hazardous activity materials . Knives, matches, plastic bags, and other potential hazards must be kept out of the reach of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. The use of potentially hazardous materials and tools must be supervised. Subp. 7. First aid kit. The provider shall have a first aid kit that contains bandages, sterile compresses, scissors, an ice bag or cold pack, an oral or surface thermometer, mild liquid soap, and adhesive tape. A first aid manual must be included. The kit and manual must be accessible and taken on field trips. Subp. 8. Emergencies. The provider shall be prepared for emergencies. A. An operable telephone must be located within the residence. B. Emergency phone numbers must be posted by the telephone. The numbers must be those of the local fire department, police department, emergency transportation, and poison control center. C. The emergency phone numbers of the parents and child’s physician and dentist must be readily available within the residence and taken on field trips. D. Prior arrangements must be made for a substitute to provide care during emergencies. E. For severe storms and tornadoes, the provider shall have a designated area within the residence that children shall go to for cover, and an operable battery flashlight, and portable radio or TV available. F. The provider shall have a written fire escape plan and a log of monthly fire and storm drills on file in the residence. The plan must be approved by the agency and specify: (1) emergency phone numbers; (2) a place to meet outdoors for roll call; (3) smoke detector and fire extinguisher locations; (4) plans for monthly fire and tornado drill sessions; and (5) escape routes to the outside from all levels used by children. In buildings with three or more dwelling units, enclosed exit stairs must be indicated. Subp. 9. Transportation of children. When transportation is given to children in a motor vehicle other than a bus or school bus operated by a common carrier, the following provisions for their safety must be made.


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