First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

A. A child may be transported only if the child is fastened in a safety seat, seat belt, or harness appropriate to the child’s weight and the restraint is installed and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. B. A child under the age of four may be transported only if the child is securely fastened in a child passenger restraint system which meets the federal motor vehicle safety standards contained in Code of Federal Regulations, title 49, section 571.213 or its successor. C. Any vehicle operated by the provider for the transportation of children must be licensed in accordance with the laws of the state and the driver shall hold a current, valid driver’s license. D. Written permission to transport children must be obtained from parents. E. No child is permitted to remain unattended in any vehicle. Subp. 10. Separation of personal articles. Separate towels, wash cloths, drinking cups, combs, and other personal articles must be used for each child. Subp. 11. Bedding. Clean, separate bedding must be provided for each child in care. Subp. 12. Pets. All pets housed within the residence shall be maintained in good health and limited to dogs, cats, fish, guinea pigs, gerbils, rabbits, hamsters, rats, mice, and birds if the birds are clear of chlamydia psittaci. The provider shall ensure that: A. parents are notified prior to admission of the presence of pets in the residence; B. children handle animals only with supervision; C. rabies shots and tags are current for all dogs and cats; D. pet cages are located and cleaned away from any food preparation, storage, or serving areas;

E. play areas are free of animal excrement not confined to pet cages; F. parents of a child whose skin is broken by an animal bite or scratch, are

notified of the injury on the day the injury occurs; and

G. the agent of a community health board as authorized under Minnesota Statutes, section 145A.04 is immediately notified whenever a child in care is bitten by an animal, the notification shall be given before any steps are taken to destroy the animal, and the provider shall take reasonable steps to confine the animal. Subp. 13. Diapers. Children in diapers shall be kept clean and dry. The following sanitary procedures must be used to reduce the spread of communicable disease. A. An adequate supply of clean diapers must be available for each child and stored in a clean place inaccessible to children. If cloth diapers are used, parents must provide a change of the outer plastic pants for each fecally soiled diaper change. Cloth diapers, except those supplied by a commercial diaper service, and plastic pants, if supplied by parents, must be labeled with the child’s name. B. Diapers and clothing must be changed when wet or soiled.


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