First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

E so the provider may notify the parents of other children in care.

D. The provider shall inform a parent of each exposed child the same day the provider is notified a positive diagnosis has been made for any of the illnesses or parasitic infestations in item E. E. The provider shall notify the authorized agent or Minnesota Department of Health of any suspected case of reportable disease as specified in part 4605.7000. The agency shall provide the provider with a copy of part 4605.7000 at the time of initial licensure. F. The following govern the administration of medicine by the provider to children in care: (1) The provider shall obtain written permission from the child’s parent prior to administering medicine, diapering products, sunscreen lotions, and insect repellents. Nonprescription medicines, diapering products, sunscreen lotions, and insect repellents must be administered according to the manufacturer’s instructions unless there are written instructions for their use provided by a licensed physician or dentist. (2) The provider shall obtain and follow written instructions from a licensed physician or dentist prior to administering each prescription medicine. Medicine with the child’s name and current prescription information on the label constitutes instructions. 9502.0445 WATER, FOOD, AND NUTRITION. Subpart 1. Water. There must be a safe water supply in the residence. A. Water from privately owned wells, must be tested annually by a Minnesota Health Department certified laboratory for coliform bacteria and nitrate nitrogens to verify safety. The provider shall file a record of the test results with the agency. Retesting and corrective measures may be required by the agency if results exceed state drinking water standards or where the supply may be subject to off-site contamination. B. Drinking water must be available to the children and offered at frequent intervals in separate or single service drinking cups or bottles. Subp. 2. Milk. Milk served to children in care must be pasteurized. Subp. 3. Meals and snacks. Well-balanced meals and snacks must be offered daily. A. Food served during the day must include servings from each of the basic food groups as defined by the United States Department of Agriculture’s Code of Federal Regulations, title 7, section 226.20. B. The provider shall follow written instructions obtained from the parents, at the time of enrollment, on each child’s special diet or food needs. Parents shall be consulted about special food preferences. C. Flexible feeding schedules must be provided for infants and toddlers, and the infant or toddler’s usual diet and feeding schedule must be followed. D. Food, lunches, and bottles brought from home must be labeled with the child’s name and refrigerated when necessary. Bottles must be washed after use.


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