First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

responsibilities include the direction of the management or policies of a program. For purposes of this subdivision, owner means an individual who has direct or indirect ownership interest in a corporation, partnership, or other business association issued a license under this chapter. For purposes of this subdivision, managerial official means those individuals who have the decision-making authority related to the operation of the program, and the responsibility for the ongoing management of or direction of the policies, services, or employees of the program. A site director who has no ownership interest in the program is not considered to be a managerial official for purposes of this definition. Controlling individual does not include: (1) a bank, savings bank, trust company, savings association, credit union, industrial loan and thrift company, investment banking firm, or insurance company unless the entity operates a program directly or through a subsidiary; (2) an individual who is a state or federal official, or state or federal employee, or a member or employee of the governing body of a political subdivision of the state or federal government that operates one or more programs, unless the individual is also an officer, owner, or managerial official of the program, receives remuneration from the program, or owns any of the beneficial interests not excluded in this subdivision; (3) an individual who owns less than five percent of the outstanding common shares of a corporation:

(i) whose securities are exempt under section 80A.45, clause (6); or (ii) whose transactions are exempt under section 80A.46, clause (2); or

(4) an individual who is a member of an organization exempt from taxation under section 290.05, unless the individual is also an officer, owner, or managerial official of the program or owns any of the beneficial interests not excluded in this subdivision. This clause does not exclude from the definition of controlling individual an organization that is exempt from taxation. Subd. 6. County agency. “County agency” means the agency designated by the county board of commissioners, human service boards, local social services agencies or multicounty local social services agencies, or departments where those have been established under the law. Subd. 6a. Drop-in child care program. “Drop-in child care program” means a nonresidential program of child care in which children participate on a onetime only or occasional basis up to a maximum of 90 hours per child, per month. A drop-in child care program must be licensed under Minnesota Rules governing child care centers. A drop-in child care program must meet one of the following requirements to qualify for the rule exemptions specified in section 245A.14, subdivision 6: (1) the drop-in child care program operates in a child care center which houses no child care program except the drop-in child care program; (2) the drop-in child care program operates in the same child care center but not during the same hours as a regularly scheduled ongoing child care program with a stable enrollment; or


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