First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

in a nursing home or hospital and receive public funds for providing chemical abuse or chemical dependency treatment services under chapter 254B. Nonresidential programs include home and community-based services for persons with disabilities or persons age 65 and older that are provided in or outside of a person’s own home under chapter 245D. Subd. 10a. Parent cooperative. “Parent cooperative” means a nonprofit group child care program that is governed by a board that meets regularly and makes all continuing operational decisions about the program. At least 70 percent of the board membership must be parent-users of the program. Subd. 11. Person. “Person” means a child or adult as defined in subdivisions 2 and 4. Subd. 12. Private agency. “Private agency” means an individual, corporation, partnership, voluntary association or other organization, other than a county agency, or a court with jurisdiction, that places persons who cannot remain in their own homes in residential programs, foster care, or adoptive homes. Subd. 13. Individual who is related. “Individual who is related” means a spouse, a parent, a birth or adopted child or stepchild, a stepparent, a stepbrother, a stepsister, a niece, a nephew, an adoptive parent, a grandparent, a sibling, an aunt, an uncle, or a legal guardian. Subd. 14. Residential program . “Residential program” means a program that provides 24-hour-a-day care, supervision, food, lodging, rehabilitation, training, education, habilitation, or treatment outside a person’s own home, including a program in an intermediate care facility for four or more persons with developmental disabilities; and chemical dependency or chemical abuse programs that are located in a hospital or nursing home and receive public funds for providing chemical abuse or chemical dependency treatment services under chapter 254B. Residential programs include home and community-based services for persons with disabilities or persons age 65 and older that are provided in or outside of a person’s own home under chapter 245D. Subd. 15. Respite care services. “Respite care services” means temporary services provided to a person due to the absence or need for relief of the primary caregiver, the person’s family member, or legal representative who is the primary caregiver and principally responsible for the care and supervision of the person. Respite care services are those that provide the level of supervision and care that is necessary to ensure the health and safety of the person. Respite care services do not include services that are specifically directed toward the training and habilitation of the person. Subd. 16. School-age child . “School-age child,” for programs licensed or required to be licensed as a child care center, means a child who is at least of sufficient age to have attended the first day of kindergarten, or is eligible to enter kindergarten within the next four months, but is younger than 13 years of age. Subd. 17. School-age child care program. “School-age child care program” means a program licensed or required to be licensed as a child care center, serving more than ten children with the primary purpose of providing child care for school age children.


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