First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

(4) advertise a residential or nonresidential program. Subd. 2. Exclusion from licensure . (a) This chapter does not apply to: (1) residential or nonresidential programs that are provided to a person by an individual who is related unless the residential program is a child foster care placement made by a local social services agency or a licensed child-placing agency, except as provided in subdivision 2a; (2) nonresidential programs that are provided by an unrelated individual to persons from a single related family; (3) residential or nonresidential programs that are provided to adults who do not abuse chemicals or who do not have a chemical dependency, a mental illness, a developmental disability, a functional impairment, or a physical disability; (4) sheltered workshops or work activity programs that are certified by the commissioner of employment and economic development; (5) programs operated by a public school for children 33 months or older; (6) nonresidential programs primarily for children that provide care or supervision for periods of less than three hours a day while the child’s parent or legal guardian is in the same building as the nonresidential program or present within another building that is directly contiguous to the building in which the nonresidential program is located; (7) nursing homes or hospitals licensed by the commissioner of health except as specified under section 245A.02; (8) board and lodge facilities licensed by the commissioner of health that do not provide children’s residential services under Minnesota Rules, chapter 2960, mental health or chemical dependency treatment; (9) homes providing programs for persons placed by a county or a licensed agency for legal adoption, unless the adoption is not completed within two years; (10) programs licensed by the commissioner of corrections; (11) recreation programs for children or adults that are operated or approved by a park and recreation board whose primary purpose is to provide social and recreational activities; (12) programs operated by a school as defined in section 120A.22, subdivision 4; YMCA as defined in section 315.44; YWCA as defined in section 315.44; or JCC as defined in section 315.51, whose primary purpose is to provide child care or services to school- age children; (13) Head Start nonresidential programs which operate for less than 45 days in each calendar year; (14) noncertified boarding care homes unless they provide services for five or more persons whose primary diagnosis is mental illness or a developmental disability; (15) programs for children such as scouting, boys clubs, girls clubs, and sports and art programs, and nonresidential programs for children provided for a cumulative total of less than 30 days in any 12-month period;


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