First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

(h) At the time of application for licensure or renewal of a license, the applicant or license holder must acknowledge on the form provided by the commissioner if the applicant or license holder elects to receive any public funding reimbursement from the commissioner for services provided under the license that: (1) the applicant’s or license holder’s compliance with the provider enrollment agreement or registration requirements for receipt of public funding may be monitored by the commissioner as part of a licensing investigation or licensing inspection; and (2) noncompliance with the provider enrollment agreement or registration requirements for receipt of public funding that is identified through a licensing investigation or licensing inspection, or noncompliance with a licensing requirement that is a basis of enrollment for reimbursement for a service, may result in: (i) a correction order or a conditional license under section 245A.06, or sanctions under section 245A.07; (ii) nonpayment of claims submitted by the license holder for public program reimbursement; (iii) recovery of payments made for the service; (iv) disenrollment in the public payment program; or (v) other administrative, civil, or criminal penalties as provided by law. Subd. 2. Notification of affected municipality. The commissioner must not issue a license without giving 30 calendar days’ written notice to the affected municipality or other political subdivision unless the program is considered a permitted single-family residential use under sections 245A.11 and 245A.14. The notification must be given before the first issuance of a license and annually after that time if annual notification is requested in writing by the affected municipality or other political subdivision. State funds must not be made available to or be spent by an agency or department of state, county, or municipal government for payment to a residential or nonresidential program licensed under this chapter until the provisions of this subdivision have been complied with in full. The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to programs located in hospitals. Subd. 2a. Meeting fire and safety codes. An applicant or license holder under sections 245A.01 to 245A.16 must document compliance with applicable building codes, fire and safety codes, health rules, and zoning ordinances, or document that an appropriate waiver has been granted. Subd. 3. Background study. Individuals and organizations that are required under section 245C.03 to have or initiate background studies shall comply with the requirements in chapter 245C. Subd. 3a. Notice of background study results; determination of risk of harm. The notice of background study results and the commissioner’s determination of the background subject’s risk of harm shall be governed according to sections 245C.16 and 245C.17. Subd. 3b. Reconsideration of disqualification. Reconsideration of a disqualification shall be governed according to sections 245C.21 to 245C.27.


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