First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

the parts of the correction order that are alleged to be in error. The request for reconsideration must be made in writing and must be postmarked and sent to the commissioner within 20 calendar days after receipt of the correction order by the applicant or license holder, and: (1) specify the parts of the correction order that are alleged to be in error; (2) explain why they are in error; and (3) include documentation to support the allegation of error. A request for reconsideration does not stay any provisions or requirements of the correction order. The commissioner’s disposition of a request for reconsideration is final and not subject to appeal under chapter 14. Subd. 3. Failure to comply. If the commissioner finds that the applicant or license holder has not corrected the violations specified in the correction order or conditional license, the commissioner may impose a fine and order other licensing sanctions pursuant to section 245A.07. Subd. 4. Notice of conditional license; reconsideration of conditional license. If a license is made conditional, the license holder must be notified of the order by certified mail or personal service. If mailed, the notice must be mailed to the address shown on the application or the last known address of the license holder. The notice must state the reasons the conditional license was ordered and must inform the license holder of the right to request reconsideration of the conditional license by the commissioner. The license holder may request reconsideration of the order of conditional license by notifying the commissioner by certified mail or personal service. The request must be made in writing. If sent by certified mail, the request must be postmarked and sent to the commissioner within ten calendar days after the license holder received the order. If a request is made by personal service, it must be received by the commissioner within ten calendar days after the license holder received the order. The license holder may submit with the request for reconsideration written argument or evidence in support of the request for reconsideration. A timely request for reconsideration shall stay imposition of the terms of the conditional license until the commissioner issues a decision on the request for reconsideration. If the commissioner issues a dual order of conditional license under this section and an order to pay a fine under section 245A.07, subdivision 3, the license holder has a right to a contested case hearing under chapter 14 and Minnesota Rules, parts 1400.8505 to 1400.8612. The scope of the contested case hearing shall include the fine and the conditional license. In this case, a reconsideration of the conditional license will not be conducted under this section. If the license holder does not appeal the fine, the license holder does not have a right to a contested case hearing and a reconsideration of the conditional license must be conducted under this subdivision. The commissioner’s disposition of a request for reconsideration is final and not subject to appeal under chapter 14.

Subd. 5. [Repealed by amendment, 1Sp2001 c 9 art 14 s 20] Subd. 5a. [Repealed by amendment, 1Sp2001 c 9 art 14 s 20]


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