First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

obtain and understand – before application – the statutes and rules relating to licensure and to ensure that standards and requirements can be met. A copy of the appropriate rules appears below on page 82-110 and a copy of the appropriate statute below on pages 111- 224 and 225-278. • Licensing is a measure only of the provider having met the defined standards. It is not an indicator to potential clients of the quality of offered programs, services, curriculum, or interactions with children. In a market where there are already operating incumbents, those incumbents may have a “reputation effect” advantage that any new entrant provider must overcome. The Licensing Process The Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) has responsibility and authority for child care licensing but has delegated to counties – acting through their social services or human services agencies – the responsibility to perform major functions related to the licensure of family child care programs. Minnesota Rules 9543.0030 lists these to include: • Accepting and processing license applications; • Conducting inspections, studies, and evaluations of applicants and programs; • Recommending to the Commissioner of DHS the approval or denial of applications for licensure; • Processing requests for variance from rules; • Monitoring compliance with applicable rules; • Investigating allegations of license violations; • Issuing corrective orders; • Recommending forfeiture orders and negative licensing actions; • Enforcing orders of the Commissioner of DHS;


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