First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

is placed in a care or treatment setting inappropriate for meeting the person’s needs. To the maximum extent possible, the rule shall assure that length of stay is governed solely by client need and shall allow for a variety of innovative and flexible approaches in meeting residential and support needs of persons with mental illness. Subd. 2. Specific review of rules. The commissioner shall: (1) provide in rule for additional types of programs and services, including but not limited to supportive small group residential care, semi-independent and apartment living services, and crisis and respite services, to address the residential treatment and support needs of persons with mental illness; (2) review category I and II programs established in Minnesota Rules, parts 9520.0500 to 9520.0670 to ensure that the categories of programs provide a continuum of residential service programs for persons with mental illness, including but not limited to programs meeting needs for intensive treatment, crisis and respite care, and rehabilitation and training; (3) provide in rule for a definition of the term “treatment” as used in relation to persons with mental illness; (4) adjust funding mechanisms by rule as needed to reflect the requirements established by rule for services being provided; (5) review and recommend staff educational requirements and staff training as needed; (6) review and make changes in rules relating to residential care and service programs for persons with mental illness as the commissioner may determine necessary; and (7) the commissioner shall report to the legislature by February 15, 1990, on the status of rulemaking with respect to clauses (1) to (6). Subd. 3. [Repealed, 1989 c 282 art 4 s 64] 245A.10 FEES. Subdivision 1. Application or license fee required, programs exempt from fee. (a) Unless exempt under paragraph (b), the commissioner shall charge a fee for evaluation of applications and inspection of programs which are licensed under this chapter. (b) Except as provided under subdivision 2, no application or license fee shall be charged for child foster care, adult foster care, family and group family child care, or a community residential setting. Subd. 2. County fees for background studies and licensing inspections. (a) For purposes of family and group family child care licensing under this chapter, a county agency may charge a fee to an applicant or license holder to recover the actual cost of background studies, but in any case not to exceed $100 annually. A county agency may also charge a license fee to an applicant or license holder not to exceed $50 for a one-


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