First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

Licensed Capacity 1 to 24 persons

License Fee


25 or more persons $2,725 (g) A residential facility licensed under Minnesota Rules, parts 9570.2000 to 9570.3400, to serve persons with physical disabilities shall pay an annual nonrefundable license fee based on the following schedule: Licensed Capacity License Fee 1 to 24 persons $450 25 to 49 persons $650 50 to 74 persons $850 75 to 99 persons $1,050 100 or more persons $1,250 (h) A program licensed to provide independent living assistance for youth under section 245A.22 shall pay an annual nonrefundable license fee of $1,500. (i) A private agency licensed to provide foster care and adoption services under Minnesota Rules, parts 9545.0755 to 9545.0845, shall pay an annual nonrefundable license fee of $875. (j) A program licensed as an adult day care center licensed under Minnesota Rules, parts 9555.9600 to 9555.9730, shall pay an annual nonrefundable license fee based on the following schedule: Licensed Capacity License Fee 1 to 24 persons $500 25 to 49 persons $700 50 to 74 persons $900 75 to 99 persons $1,100 100 or more persons $1,300 (k) A program licensed to provide treatment services to persons with sexual psychopathic personalities or sexually dangerous persons under Minnesota Rules, parts 9515.3000 to 9515.3110, shall pay an annual nonrefundable license fee of $20,000. (l) A mental health center or mental health clinic requesting certification for purposes of insurance and subscriber contract reimbursement under Minnesota Rules, parts 9520.0750 to 9520.0870, shall pay a certification fee of $1,550 per year. If the mental health center or mental health clinic provides services at a primary location with satellite facilities, the satellite facilities shall be certified with the primary location without an additional charge.


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