First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

(k) The commissioner shall evaluate license applications using the requirements in paragraphs (d) to (f). The commissioner shall provide detailed application forms, including a checklist of criteria needed for approval. (l) To be eligible for a license under paragraph (a), the adult foster care or community residential setting license holder must not have had a conditional license issued under section 245A.06 or any licensing sanction under section 245A.07 during the prior 24 months based on failure to provide adequate supervision, health care services, or resident safety in the adult foster care home or community residential setting. (m) The commissioner shall review an application for an alternative overnight supervision license within 60 days of receipt of the application. When the commissioner receives an application that is incomplete because the applicant failed to submit required documents or that is substantially deficient because the documents submitted do not meet licensing requirements, the commissioner shall provide the applicant written notice that the application is incomplete or substantially deficient. In the written notice to the applicant, the commissioner shall identify documents that are missing or deficient and give the applicant 45 days to resubmit a second application that is substantially complete. An applicant’s failure to submit a substantially complete application after receiving notice from the commissioner is a basis for license denial under section 245A.05. The commissioner shall complete subsequent review within 30 days. (n) Once the application is considered complete under paragraph (m), the commissioner will approve or deny an application for an alternative overnight supervision license within 60 days. (o) For the purposes of this subdivision, “supervision” means: (1) oversight by a caregiver or direct support staff as specified in the individual resident’s place agreement or coordinated service and support plan and awareness of the resident’s needs and activities; and (2) the presence of a caregiver or direct support staff in a residence during normal sleeping hours, unless a determination has been made and documented in the individual’s coordinated service and support plan that the individual does not require the presence of a caregiver or direct support staff during normal sleeping hours. Subd. 7b. Adult foster care data privacy and security. (a) An adult foster care or community residential setting license holder who creates, collects, records, maintains, stores, or discloses any individually identifiable recipient data, whether in an electronic or any other format, must comply with the privacy and security provisions of applicable privacy laws and regulations, including: (1) the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Public Law 104-1; and the HIPAA Privacy Rule, Code of Federal Regulations, title 45, part 160, and subparts A and E of part 164; and (2) the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act as codified in chapter 13. (b) For purposes of licensure, the license holder shall be monitored for compliance with the following data privacy and security provisions:


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