First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

as long as the receivership period continues. A fair monthly rental for the physical plant shall be paid by the commissioner or managing agent to the owner of the physical plant. This fair monthly rental shall be determined by considering all relevant factors necessary to meet required arm’s-length obligations of controlling individuals such as the mortgage payments owed on the physical plant, the real estate taxes, and special assessments. This rental shall not include any allowance for profit or be based on any formula that includes an allowance for profit. (b) If the owner of the physical plant of a residential or nonresidential program placed in receivership is not a related party, the controlling individual shall continue as the lessee of the property. However, during the receivership period, rental payments shall be made to the owner of the physical plant by the commissioner or the managing agent on behalf of the controlling individual. Neither the commissioner nor the managing agent assumes the obligations of the lease unless expressly stated in the receivership agreement. Should the lease expire during the receivership, the commissioner or the managing agent may negotiate a new lease for the term of the receivership period. Subd. 9. Receivership accounting. The commissioner may use the medical assistance account and funds for receivership cash flow and accounting purposes. Subd. 10. Receivership costs. The commissioner may use the accounts and funds that would have been available for the room and board, services, and program costs of persons in the program for costs, cash flow, and accounting purposes related to the receivership. 245A.13 INVOLUNTARY RECEIVERSHIP FOR RESIDENTIAL OR NONRESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS. Subdivision 1. Application. In addition to any other remedy provided by law, the commissioner may petition the district court in Ramsey County for an order directing the controlling individuals of a residential or nonresidential program licensed or certified by the commissioner to show cause why the commissioner should not be appointed receiver to operate the program. The petition to the district court must contain proof by affidavit: (1) that the commissioner has either begun proceedings to suspend or revoke a license or certification, has suspended or revoked a license or certification, or has decided to deny an application for licensure or certification of the program; or (2) it appears to the commissioner that the health, safety, or rights of the residents or persons receiving care from the program may be in jeopardy because of the manner in which the program may close, the program’s financial condition, or violations committed by the program of federal or state laws or rules. If the license holder, applicant, or controlling individual operates more than one program, the commissioner’s petition must specify and be limited to the program for which it seeks receivership. The affidavit submitted by the commissioner must set forth alternatives to receivership that have been considered, including rate adjustments. The order to show cause is returnable not less than five days after service is completed and must provide for personal service of a copy to the program administrator and to the persons designated as agents by the controlling individuals to accept service on their behalf.


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