First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

Subd. 2. Appointment of receiver . If the court finds that involuntary receivership is necessary as a means of protecting the health, safety, or rights of persons being served by the program, the court shall appoint the commissioner as receiver to operate the program. The commissioner as receiver may contract with another entity or group to act as the managing agent during the receivership period. The managing agent will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the program subject at all times to the review and approval of the commissioner. Subd. 3. Powers and duties of the receiver. Within 36 months after the receivership order, the receiver shall provide for the orderly transfer of the persons served by the program to other programs or make other provisions to protect their health, safety, and rights. The receiver or the managing agent shall correct or eliminate deficiencies in the program that the commissioner determines endanger the health, safety, or welfare of the persons being served by the program unless the correction or elimination of deficiencies at a residential program involves major alteration in the structure of the physical plant. If the correction or elimination of the deficiencies at a residential program requires major alterations in the structure of the physical plant, the receiver shall take actions designed to result in the immediate transfer of persons served by the residential program. During the period of the receivership, the receiver and the managing agent shall operate the residential or nonresidential program in a manner designed to preserve the health, safety, rights, adequate care, and supervision of the persons served by the program. The receiver or the managing agent may make contracts and incur lawful expenses. The receiver or the managing agent shall collect incoming payments from all sources and apply them to the cost incurred in the performance of the functions of the receivership including the fee set under subdivision 4. No security interest in any real or personal property comprising the program or contained within it, or in any fixture of the physical plant, shall be impaired or diminished in priority by the receiver or the managing agent. Subd. 3a. Liability. The provisions contained in section 245A.12, subdivision 6, shall also apply to receiverships ordered according to this section. Subd. 3b. Liability for financial obligations. The provisions contained in section 245A.12, subdivision 7, also apply to receiverships ordered according to this section. Subd. 3c. Physical plant of the program. Occupation of the physical plant under an involuntary receivership shall be governed by paragraphs (a) and (b). (a) The physical plant owned by a controlling individual of the program or related party must be made available for the use of the program throughout the receivership period. The court shall determine a fair monthly rental for the physical plant, taking into account all relevant factors necessary to meet required arm’s-length obligations of controlling individuals such as mortgage payments, real estate taxes, and special assessments. The rental fee must be paid by the receiver to the appropriate controlling individuals or related parties for each month that the receivership remains in effect. No payment made to a controlling individual or related party by the receiver or the managing agent or any state agency during a period of the receivership shall include any


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