First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

Subd. 7. Health services. (a) The license holder shall provide health services as specified in the service delivery plan under the direction of the designated caregiver or county or private case manager. Health services must include: (1) monitoring the participant’s level of function and health while participating; taking appropriate action for a change in condition including immediately reporting changes to the participant’s caregiver, physician, mental health professional, or registered nurse; and seeking consultation; (2) offering information to participants and caregivers on good health and safety practices; and (3) maintaining a listing of health resources available for referrals as needed by participants and caregivers. (b) Unless the person is a licensed health care practitioner qualified to administer medications, the person responsible for medication administration or assistance shall provide a certificate verifying successful completion of a trained medication aid program for unlicensed personnel approved by the Minnesota Department of Health or comparable program, or biennially provide evidence of competency as demonstrated to a registered nurse or physician. (c) The license holder must have secure storage and safeguarding of all medications with storage of medications in their original container, know what information regarding medication administration must be reported to a health care professional, and must maintain a record of all medications administered. Subd. 8. Nutritional services. (a) The license holder shall ensure that food served is nutritious and meets any special dietary needs of the participants as prescribed by the participant’s physician or dietitian as specified in the service delivery plan. (b) Food and beverages must be obtained, handled, and properly stored to prevent contamination, spoilage, or a threat to the health of a resident. Subd. 9. Social services. The license holder, in consultation with the county or private case manager, when appropriate, shall actively assist the participant in identifying and achieving personal goals, support the participant in maintaining personal support networks and socially valued roles, provide assistance to the participant to enable community participation, and refer participants to the Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care and other advocacy organizations for assistance when there is a potential conflict of interest between the license holder and the participant. Subd. 10. Participant rights. (a) The license holder shall adopt and comply with a participant bill of rights. The rights shall include the participants’ right to: (1) participate in the development of the service plan; (2) refuse services or participation; (3) privacy; (4) confidentiality of participant information; and (5) present grievances regarding treatment or services to the Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care or the county licensing department. The license


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