First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

Subd. 5. Commissioner inspection. During routine licensing inspections, and when investigating complaints regarding alleged violations of this section, the commissioner shall review the provider’s documentation required under subdivisions 3 and 4. Subd. 6. Failure to comply. The commissioner may issue a licensing action under section 245A.06 or 245A.07 if a license holder fails to comply with the requirements of this section. 245A.147 FAMILY CHILD CARE INFANT SLEEP SUPERVISION REQUIREMENTS. Subdivision 1. In-person checks on infants. (a) License holders that serve infants are encouraged to monitor sleeping infants by conducting in-person checks on each infant in their care every 30 minutes. (b) Upon enrollment of an infant in a family child care program, the license holder is encouraged to conduct in-person checks on the sleeping infant every 15 minutes, during the first four months of care. (c) When an infant has an upper respiratory infection, the license holder is encouraged to conduct in-person checks on the sleeping infant every 15 minutes throughout the hours of sleep. Subd. 2. Use of audio or visual monitoring devices. In addition to conducting the in-person checks encouraged under subdivision 1, license holders serving infants are encouraged to use and maintain an audio or visual monitoring device to monitor each sleeping infant in care during all hours of sleep. 245A.148 FAMILY CHILD CARE DIAPERING AREA DISINFECTION. Notwithstanding Minnesota Rules, part 9502.0435, a family child care provider may disinfect the diaper changing surface with chlorine bleach in a manner consistent with label directions for disinfection or with a surface disinfectant that meets the following criteria: (1) the manufacturer’s label or instructions state that the product is registered with the United States Environmental Protection Agency; (2) the manufacturer’s label or instructions state that the disinfectant is effective against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enterica, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa; (3) the manufacturer’s label or instructions state that the disinfectant is effective with a ten minute or less contact time; (4) the disinfectant is clearly labeled by the manufacturer with directions for mixing and use; (5) the disinfectant is used only in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions; and (6) the product does not include triclosan or derivatives of triclosan.


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