First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

D. An applicant or provider must submit to the agency written approval from a building official of a variance request and alternative measures identified to ensure the health and safety of children in care when a variance is requested of the standards contained in part 9502.0425 relating to subparts 10, stairways; 11, decks; and 13, sewage disposal. Subp. 8b. [Repealed, 30 SR 585] Subp. 9. License terms. The license must indicate: A. the number and age groupings of children who may receive care at any one time; B. the expiration date of the license and location of the residence; C. the name and address of the provider; and D. that the provider is licensed under parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445 of Minnesota Rules. Subp. 10. Posting license. The provider shall post the license in the residence in a prominent place. Subp. 11. Change in license terms. The following shall apply to changes in the terms of a license. A. A new department application form must be submitted by the provider and a full licensing study as specified in part 9502.0335, subpart 2, must be completed when the provider wants to move the day care operation to a new residence or the provider wants to change to group family day care from family day care. B. A new department application form indicating the changes in the ages and numbers of children in care must be completed when the provider wants to change to family day care from group family day care. C. A background study must be initiated and completed as required under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 245C. Subp. 12. Number of licenses. No provider shall be issued a license to operate more than one day care residence. Subp. 13. Access to residence. The provider shall give authorized representatives of the commissioner or agency access to the residence during the hours of operation to determine whether the residence complies with the standards of parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445. Access shall include: A. the residence to be occupied by children in care; B. any adjoining land or buildings owned or operated by the applicant or provider in conjunction with the provision of day care and designed for use by the children in care; C. noninterference in interviewing all caregivers and household members present in the residence on a regular basis and present during the hours of operation; and D. the right to view and photocopy the records and documents specified in part 9502.0405.


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