First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

H. Arrest, conviction, or criminal history information and substantiated maltreatment information used to disqualify an individual required to have a background study under Minnesota Statutes, chapter 245C. Subp. 2. Data privacy . The agency, department, and the authorized agent shall have access to provider records on children in care to determine compliance with parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445. The provider shall not disclose any records on children in care to any persons other than the parents of the child, the agency, the department, the persons required by part 9502.0375, subpart 1, and medical or public safety persons if information is necessary to protect the health and safety of the child. 9502.0355 CAREGIVER QUALIFICATIONS. Subpart 1. Age. An applicant for family day care or group family day care shall be an adult at the time of licensure. Subp. 2. Health. An adult caregiver shall be physically able to care for children. A. The applicant shall supply documentation to the agency with the license application that the applicant has had a physical examination from a licensed physician within 12 months prior to initial licensure and is physically able to care for children. B. The applicant shall supply documentation to the agency with the license application that all adult caregivers who are assisting with care on a regular basis have had a physical examination from a licensed physician within 12 months prior to employment within the residence and are physically able to care for children. Subp. 3. Group family day care . A group family day care applicant shall meet all the requirements listed in subparts 1 and 2 for family day care. A group family day care applicant shall also meet the qualifications in item A, B, or C. A. A minimum of one years’ substantial compliance with parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445 as a licensed family day care provider; or B. A minimum of six months’ substantial compliance with parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445 as a licensed family day care provider; and (1) completion of an accredited competency based family day care training and assessment program offered by an accredited institute; or (2) thirty hours of child care, health, and nutrition training as specified in part 9502.0385, and a minimum of 520 hours of experience as an assistant teacher, student teacher, or intern in an elementary school or licensed child care center, or as an assistant adult caregiver in a licensed group family day care home; or (3) thirty hours of child development or early childhood education training, as specified in part 9502.0385, and a minimum of 520 hours of experience as a licensed practical or registered nurse; or C. Certification or licensure indicating: (1) completion of a two year child development or early childhood education associate or certificate program at an accredited college or university;


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