Blokes Book Hawke's Bay



HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU ARE STRESSED ? • Mood swings/ anger

Be good to your head as it’s the GPS for your body. What you have going on between those ears is the biggest muscle in your whole body . It is also one of the biggest factors for your body being able to stay healthy. If you are feeling good you are more likely to notice when you are not feeling great and take some action! MINDFULNESS Mindfulness is not just for the juice guzzling hipsters, it's a great tool for helping you manage your stress levels. What you eat, how much sleep you are getting and of course some good old Vitamin N for nature.

• Low self esteem

• Feeling tense or anger

• Not sleeping well

• Poor memory

• Excessive drinking or drug use

• Withdrawing from family/friends

• Behaving out of character

• Losing interest in things that were fun

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