Blokes Book Hawke's Bay

BE GOOD TO YOUR HEART HEART HEALTH Heart Disease in many cases is a lifestyle disease. Genetics may be the gun but your lifestyle choices load the bullet. Be good to your heart. Heart disease happens when your arteries that pump your blood get gummed up with plaque. It makes your arteries hard and narrow meaning your heart has to do double time to pump that blood to where it needs to go. So what are the big players that contribute to heart disease? • Smoking

• High cholesterol • Lack of exercise • Family history • High blood pressure • Diabetes • Overweight • Drinking • Diet

So get out there, get your sneakers on and reach for a bit more fruit and veg. Being a couch potato doesn’t count either! Hawkes Bay Branch 76 Wellesley Road Napier South Napier, 4110, Ph: 06 833 7446


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