Blokes Book Hawke's Bay



HEALTH CHECKLIST: Prioritise your health, make small changes, and embrace a holistic approach to well-be- ing. Health is a precious asset that we often take for granted until it's compromised. It's essential to appreciate and prioritise our well-being in advance. One approach to achieving optimal health is following the NEWSTART principles—an acronym for the "eight laws of health." These precepts provide simple guidelines for nourishing your body, promoting healing, and experiencing vitality. N - NUTRITION: Proper nutrition involves more than just avoiding refined foods, sugar, and salt. It's about consciously choosing nutrient-rich foods to fuel our bodies. Include a diverse range of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains in your diet. Try adding a fruit or vegetable salad to every meal for an extra nutritional boost. E - EXERCISE: Exercise is not limited to joining a gym—it's about engaging in physical activities that you enjoy. Find an activity that gets you moving and brings you joy, whether it's dancing, hiking, swimming, or playing a sport. Start small by incorporating movement into your daily routine, such as walking instead of driving short distances or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. W - WATER: Water is essential for human existence, constituting approximately 60% of our bodies. While the conventional recom- mendation is to drink eight glasses of water per day, it's important to focus on overall fluid intake. Opt for water and other healthy fluids over soft drinks and other acidic beverages.

role in our well-being as it provides us with essential vitamin D. Spend some time outdoors to benefit from sunlight exposure, but remember to protect your skin from excessive UV radiation by using sunscreen and wearing appropriate clothing. T - TEMPERANCE: Temperance emphasises moderation and self-control in all aspects of life. Avoid excessive indulgence in substances or behaviours that can harm your health, such as overeating, alcohol abuse, smoking, or addictive behaviours. A - AIR: Good air quality is crucial for our health. Ensure proper ventilation in your living and working spaces to promote fresh air circulation. Spending time in nature and taking deep breaths of fresh air can invigorate your body and mind. R - REST: Sufficient rest and quality sleep are vital for our bodies to repair and rejuve- nate. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine. If you experience difficulties sleeping, consider relaxation techniques like meditation or avoiding stimulating activities before bed. T - TRUST: Cultivating trust and spirituali- ty can provide emotional support and inner strength. Find practices that resonate with you, such as prayer, meditation, mindfulness, or connecting with a community that shares your beliefs. Nourishing your spiritual well-be- ing can contribute to overall health and balance in life. Remember that these eight laws of health are general guidelines for achieving well-being. Each individual's health journey is unique, and it's important to consult healthcare professionals for personalised advice and treatment when necessary.

S - SUNSHINE: Sunlight plays a crucial

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