Blokes Book Hawke's Bay



When you start getting upset about some- thing, take a moment to think about the situation. Ask yourself: ▪ How important is it in the grand scheme of things? ▪ Is it really worth getting angry about it? ▪ Is it worth ruining the rest of my day? ▪ Is my response appropriate to the situation? I WANT CHANGE All over New Zealand communities are taking ownership of reducing and preventing family violence. Family violence happens in homes, in neighbourhoods and in communities. Crisis services such as Police and social services which support victims and perpetrators usually get involved after violence has happened. So communities have a significant role to play in preventing violence and making it not OK, just as they have with smoking and drink driving. Communities can bring family violence out into the open through media campaigns, billboards, posters, street events, signs on buses. Neighbourhoods can take a stand and make family violence not OK. Families can declare themselves violence-free. Adults can look out for and protect children in their neighbourhood and community. They can support parents to keep children safe.

FAMILY VIOLENCE INFORMATION LINE - NATIONAL HELPLINE Ph: 0800 456 450 NZ POLICE Call your local Police Station and ask for their Family Violence Coordinator. People at risk from domestic violence can get a Police Safety Order (PSO) from the police or a Protection Order from the court. DOVE HAWKE'S BAY INC. DOVE Hawkes Bay works to stop, heal and prevent family violence. (06) 843 5307 FAMILY WORKS HAWKES BAY (06) 876 2156 VICTIM SUPPORT Free 24/7 Helpline. Helping put victims of crime and trauma in control of restoring their lives. 0800 842 846

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