Blokes Book Hawke's Bay


FREEDOM FROM FINANCIAL STRESS It’s the ultimate goal for business owners, but sometimes feels more like an impossible dream. In pursuit of that elusive work/life balance we try to mold our business into someone else’s idea of perfection. This is fueled by social media portraying an unrealis- tic picture of how we ‘should’ be doing life. We feel stuck, overwhelmed and indecisive and we struggle to pay ourselves.... let alone all the bills. We hunker down, work harder, sell more and do more, hoping it will all magically work itself out. REAL BALANCE COMES IN THE FORM OF THREE ‘FREEDOMS’ FINANCIAL FREEDOM Having sufficient cash flow for the quality of life you desire. Being able to rest easy knowing you have enough cash in the bank to pay the bills, grow your business or even take a holiday! TIME FREEDOM Being able to enjoy life outside of business. Hitting the gym, taking leave or making that Friday afternoon golf session instead of working all hours! MIND FREEDOM Having peace of mind. No more sleepless nights worrying about how you are going to pay your team or IRD. You have confidence that risks are managed, there will be no tax surprises and your business can weather any storm!

WHAT SHOULD YOU TALK TO YOUR ACCOUNTANT ABOUT TO MAKE THIS IMPOSSIBLE DREAM A REALITY? Planning and accountability are the keys here. Annual tasks such as business planning and forecasting set you up for success, while ongoing reporting and coaching keep you accountable and on the right track. Achieving that dream balance is a journey, not a destination.

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