Blokes Book Hawke's Bay


TŪRUKI Tūruki is the Māori workforce development strategy for the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board, providing scholarships for Maori, career advice and support, tuakana / teina mentoring and other educational initiatives. IRONMĀORI IRONMĀORI hold Triathlon Events annually throughout Aotearoa, which cater for all athletic abilities from novice through to competitive. IRONMĀORI is a platform that is safe, unbiased, and with the main objective of whanaungatanga (Connections/Relation- ships) WAKA AMA HAWKE'S BAY TE TAIWHENUA O HERETAUNGA Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga is a family focused organisation working with whānau to achieve their goals and general wellbeing.We help individuals, whānau and communities by creating holistic, personalised plans of care, support and development. Our staff include rangatahi coaches, teachers, doctors, community support workers, nurses, psychol- ogists, psychiatrists and social workers. 39

Developed by Sir Mason Durie in 1984, Te Whare Tapa Whā is a Māori model of health and wellbeing. It is a metaphor based on four pillars of a wharenui/meeting house. When we look after all four aspects, we look after our hauora / wellbeing. Checking in on the four pillars helps us balance our hauora and support others to balance theirs, too. TE KUPENGA HAUORA - AHURIRI At Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri, we have a culture of relationship and connectedness based on Whānau Ora and a big heart to serve. (06) 835 1840

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