Blokes Book Hawke's Bay

HOW TO MAKE THE CHANGE FOR YOUR BETTER LIFE. We all know that us Blokes are not really good at taking care of our health - right? Many of us wait until we are really unwell before we even hint to our partners , friends or work mates that things aren’t going well for us. The statistics for men’s health are not great and we are here to tell you - You Matter! SMALL CHANGES CAN MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE Just like any well oiled machine you need to look after it .Put in the right fuel and get it serviced regularly. Well, that’s how it is for your body too. The sooner you make changes the better. Even small changes can make a big difference to our health and well being. BE PROACTIVE Today is a good time to get a free health check. Don’t wait till you think you need to , step up and go find a friendly GP and be proactive . You can head to Our Health HB to find a whole load of info on managing and being proactive for your health. WHY BOTHER, BRO?


The leading causes of premature death in men include various forms of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and suicide. By taking responsibility for your physical health you could help prevent this.


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