Blokes Book Hawke's Bay

REGISTER WITH A GP One of the most important things you can do to look after your health is to register with a general practice. GENERAL CHECKUP • 20-29 every five years or two years if family history. • 30-39 every two years. • 40+ annually. Before you go, think about what needs to be checked by your GP. Eg, bloods, skin, prostate, etc. DENTIST Find a good local dentist. Get a check-up every year. Brush twice a day and floss regularly.

3. Quit smoking Tobacco use causes cancer, lung disease, heart disease and stroke, It also causes impotence. Quitting smoking is one of the best actions you can take for your health – within 12 weeks, your lung function increas- es, within a year your risk of heart disease is already half that of a smoker’s. 4. Eat better Eating a healthy diet helps prevent diabetes and many other diseases. Try to eat more fruit, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils), nuts and whole grains. Limit the amount of salt, sugar, saturated fats and meat. 5. Be more active: 1 in 4 people aren’t active enough. Adults should do at least 2.5 hours of moderate-in- tensity physical activity a week.


HEARING TEST Get a hearing test every five years or more often if things have changed.

EYES See an optician for an initial assessment to screen for health issues. Check your glasses every two years and contact lenses annually. 1. Have regular check-ups Even if you feel healthy, regular health checks (such as blood pressure, blood sugar levels, prostate checks) are essential to catch any problems early and stay in good health. Your mental health is just as important, and seeking help for mental health issues, including depression and anxiety can be critical. 2. Reduce alcohol use Drinking too much, or too often, increases your immediate risk of injury, road crashes and violence, as well as causing longer-term effects like liver damage, cancer and heart disease. Harmful use of alcohol can also affect your mental health and has a negative impact on your family and the people around you.


Everybody is a body worth nurturing and taking care of. Sometimes the pressure on body image that we see in the media can add extra pressure to conform to a ‘norm’ often set by marketing and advertising compa- nies. Being happy with our personal choice is the first step, making small changes with our food choices and choosing to move every day will see our bodies remain strong and healthy. So don’t wait, make healthy choices today for you, for your family and for a better healthier life!

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