NSLHD News July 4

Message FROM the acting Chief executive Dr Tamsin Waterhouse

We are privileged at Northern Sydney Local Health District to be surrounded by so many talented people who go to extraordinary lengths to care for and support to our patients, their families and also colleagues. The Exceptional People Awards is the district’s opportunity to acknowledge those staff and teams, and our volunteers in our hospitals, community centres and district services who go above and beyond every day. Nominations for the 2019 Exceptional People Awards are now open and I encourage you to put forward your colleagues in the awards so others can hear about their wonderful efforts and commitment to healthcare. It is an opportunity to celebrate the amazing bunch of people we work with. Nominations close on July 30 and I look forward to seeing the them. Thank you to everyone who completed the People Matters survey. The feedback you have given will be valuable to our management teams to improve our workplace environments and culture and your participation is greatly appreciated. by clinicians and researchers from across the district to consult on the future strategic direction of our research efforts for the next five years. The great feedback we received at the workshop is now being included in the NSLHD Research Strategy 2019 – 2024 and the plan will be launched very soon. The plan will guide our district in its pursuit of research excellence and Last week I had the pleasure of attending the district’s research strategy workshop attended

embed a research to benefit our patients and community. I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in the planning process. I am looking forward to attending the upcoming Northern Lights research and innovation event that will be held on Thursday, 18 July at 3:30pm in the Kolling auditorium to showcase the excellent research endeavours across our district. The inaugural event will feature musculoskeletal research that is making cutting edge discoveries into back pain, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Professors Lyn March and David Hunter, and the musculoskeletal teams at Royal North Shore Hospital will reveal the latest advances in precision medicine and efforts to help the millions of people who suffer arthritic pain. Places are limited but if you interested in attending, please email NSLHD-media@health. nsw.gov.au Lastly, the influenza season has taken hold in our communities and our hospitals are busier than ever. I commend our staff who are contending with the influx of people to our EDs while managing sickness within our own workplaces. If you haven’t had a flu shot, I encourage you and your loved ones to get one as soon as possible.

Dr Tamsin Waterhouse

Acting Chief Executive Northern Sydney Local Health District


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