Local MP witnesses ‘medical emergency’ Royal North Shore Hospital’s newest nurses impressed the Member for North Shore Felicity Wilson (pictured centre) with their skills when she observed a recent training session.
the first year nurses successfully treated ‘Maria’ when she took a turn for the worse. Ms Wilson said she always enjoyed her visits to Royal North Shore Hospital and thanked all the nurses for their hard work.
Under the watchful eye of Claire Harris, Royal North Shore’s Director of Nursing and Midwifery,
ICU Radio donation Patients and their families will be able to tune in to their favourite radio station while they recover in ICU thanks to a generous donation and plenty of hard work. When ICU nurse Glenda Boyd dug out an old CD player to help keep a long term patient’s spirits up, she had one thought – ‘we can do better’.
Faith Enrile, Glenda Boyd, 6H NUM Helen Walker and Anneke Smyth
She spent the coming months with the ICU team fundraising through bake sales and raffles, aiming to raise enough money to buy every pod on 6H a radio. Having raised more than $2.600, the time came for Glenda to take the plunge and purchase the radios – but when Harvey Norman’s David Ackery
heard what they were for, he kindly donated the 30 digital radios instead.
Now each pod across her ward has a radio, with a few spares available to patients on other wards too.
Well done Glenda.
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