The UWI Vice-Chancellor’s Report to University Council


Professor Densil A. Williams Pro Vice-Chancellor and Campus Principal The UWI, Five Islands

During the year under review the Five Islands Campus continued its growth trajectory under the visionary leadership of Professor Densil A. Williams, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Principal, aimed at providing access to quality higher education for citizenry of Antigua and Barbuda and the wider OECS sub-region. The UWI FIC hosted its inaugural public lecture, themed “Upgrading Antigua and Barbuda’s Diamond for Improved Global Competitiveness: Powered by Academic Enterprise/Partnerships” on July 21, 2022 in the Amazon Room at the Campus. Professor Densil A. Williams delivered the lecture. There were more than 100 in-person guests, who were drawn from government, academia, and industry.

Four members of the FIC team were invited to participate in the Harvard Business School’s Global Colloquium Programme. The team comprising Professor Densil A. Williams, Mr. Hyram Forde, Dr. Karen Murdock, and Dr. Cleopatra Gittens participated in the July 2022 cohort of the Case Writing Workshop held July 24 – 29, 2022. The second phase of this Professional Certificate workshop was completed during the period January 3–7, 2023. The aim is for the faculty to learn the methodology behind Harvard’s case study teaching method and eventually incorporate it into the teaching and learning activities at the FIC.

Click here to read the full Campus Annual Report


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