The Alleynian 712 2024

of the Nazi leader and the rise of fictional small-time Chicago gangster, Arturo Ui) and Raleigh’s Mr Senator (an original satirical edict on climate change from Matthieu Perrin, Year 12, about self-gaming policy versus the hard facts of science) came a close joint second. Wilf Edwards (Year 13) was awarded Best Director for his sophisticat- ed grasp of Brecht’s text alongside imaginative staging. Grenville’s Blackadder Goes Forth came in fourth place, proving that Richard Curtis and Ben Elton’s trademark mix of light comic touch with gallows humour, allied with strong performances, still resonates. Matthieu Perrin (Raleigh) was awarded the Adjudicator’s discretionary cup for writing and producing a sharply ironic, original and provocative piece of work. In a com- petitive shortlist Harry Sugden (Marlowe) was awarded Best Actor for his deft command of the stage and light- ness of touch in Party ; as the adjudicator remarked, ‘with his command of the audience he made acting look easy. As an audience we relaxed – he charmed and delighted us

with his comic timing and skilled characterisation – giving us truth and clownish buffoon in the same breath – no mean feat for someone still at school.’ Wilf Patten, still only Year 12, gave Harry a run for his money with his profoundly poised performance as Walter in Matthew Lopez’s The Inheritance telling of his time living through the height of the AIDS crisis . Nat Rowney (Marlowe) and Will Barter-Sheppard (How- ard) (Year 13) jointly took home the Max Hunter Cup for their invaluable contribution to the Drama Department over many years; both are accomplished actors, directors and collaborators, and they have been at the heart of so much theatrical activity in the EAT. Congratulations too to Wilf Patten who received the Sharpe award for making an outstanding start to the A-level course as well as showing exceptional promise as a performer and prac- titioner. Finally, grateful thanks to Fred Robb OA for his terrific production shots . ◉



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