The Alleynian 712 2024

power and endurance. We were delighted to field teams in each category, with Dulwich students racing in the U14, U16 and U18 categories. We were also extremely proud to have some of our Year 5 students taking part, who raced valiantly throughout the day and were reward- ed for the being the youngest competitors.

Our U14 teams, led by Sean Kitchlu-Connolly (Year 8), showed plenty of grit and determination in what was the most competitive category. Whilst the students per- formed well in the individual and team races, they were unlucky not to achieve a podium spot. The U16 team, led by Harold Pink (Year 11), also enjoyed some very exciting races, including a particularly tightly fought 8-lap scratch race, with Jasper Shapton (Year 8) and Tom McMinnies (Year 11) crossing the line in second and third places respectively. The U18 team enjoyed the biggest success, led by David Coxon (Year 13) and assisted by the blister- ingly fast Misha Gitnik (Year 11). They produced some of the most exciting races of the day, crossing the finish line with incredible pace, only inches separating the top three riders in nearly every race. Their efforts were rewarded with first place in their category, and they enjoyed the plaudits from the crowd. It was Kingsdale who deservedly won the competition overall, with Alleyn’s in second place and Dulwich College in third. A special mention goes to Alex Fife (Year 7), who was awarded the ‘Most Combative’ prize for his exceptional resilience and speed. Thanks to Sinead Paull, Joseph Alberti and Rosie Northcott for assisting with the organisation on the day, and well done to all the students who took part. We are looking forward to even more success in 2025! ◉ HOCKEY CALLUM BASEY We had a fantastic season of hockey this year at Dul- wich College, with a total of 181 fixtures played across 20 teams from Year 5 to Year 13. The reintroduction of hockey as a games option for Year 7 enabled a full set of Saturday block fixtures to be played, and meant more numbers playing in this year group than in previous years. This increased participation will enable the hockey programme to grow, and will encourage more pupils to try the sport, which will hopefully increase the standard higher up the school in years to come. The Year 3 and 4 hockey club has run throughout the year with a lunchtime session each week and has proved to be a very popular co-curricular club in the Junior School. A large number of pupils have played hockey for the first time and have found a new sport they enjoy, and we hope they will go on to represent the College in the future. A



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