The Alleynian 712 2024

strong performance at the ESSA Secondary Schools Relay Finals demonstrated our ability to compete with the best in the country. Many of our swimmers have also excelled recently in regional events, securing numerous final place- ments and winning several medals. Some of our standout athletes have even qualified for the prestigious British and English Championships this summer. Edward Henwood (Year 10), James Pane (Year 9) and Roman Cazzol (Year 7) have all earned spots at the British Championships 2024. We extend our best wishes to them as they prepare to compete at this elite level. ◉

Summer 2023 was a remarkable season for the Junior School. Thomas Kaldau, Spencer Blackburn, Albi Beck- ett-Aller and Louis Morgan-Davis qualified for the ESSA relay finals in Sheffield. They achieved an impressive third place in the B Final for the freestyle relay, and seventh in the A Final for the medley relay. This success followed the IAPS finals, where our Year 5 team finished eleventh and twelfth in the freestyle and medley relays, respectively, with Louis Morgan-Davis also qualifying for the butterfly individual final and finishing fifteenth. The preparation for these galas is an immersive ex- perience that encompasses both physical and mental readiness. Coaches and teachers work tirelessly to hone skills, refine techniques and instil confidence in our students. Beyond athletic training, there is a strong focus on fostering resilience, perseverance and a positive mindset, ensuring our students are well prepared to face any challenge. As the Summer term unfolds, anticipation builds and excitement fills the air. These galas serve as platforms for athletic achievement and are invaluable learning experiences, where our students grow, develop, and create lifelong memories. It is a time when the Junior School community comes together to celebrate talent, sportsmanship, and the indomitable spirit of youth. SENIOR SCHOOL 2024 has brought remarkable achievements in the pool for our school, highlighted by an impressive fourth place finish in the prestigious Bath Cup. Our Intermediate swim- ming team also secured an outstanding fourth-place at the ESSA Secondary Schools Relay Finals. These accom- plishments are a testament to the thriving dedication and skill at the highest levels of our swimming programme. Swimming continues to grow stronger across the main school, with training sessions consistently reaching full capacity. The enthusiasm and commitment of our stu- dents have led to the formation of A, B, and C teams, all actively participating in interschool galas. This structured approach ensures that more students can compete and develop their abilities in a supportive and challenging en- vironment. Our success in these high-profile competitions reflects the hard work and determination of our swim- mers, as well as the dedication of our coaching staff. The Bath Cup, a storied competition with a long history of excellence, provided a platform for our swimmers to showcase their talent and determination. Similarly, the



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