The Alleynian 712 2024

The trip was an incredible experience packed full of activ- ities and opportunities to speak Spanish: an ideal mix of having a great time while learning lots. ¡Perfecto! ◉ GERMAN TRIP – TÜBINGEN OSCAR KINIRONS (YEAR 12) • EASTER HOLIDAY 2024 In the last week of the Easter holidays, 13 boys from Years 10 to 13 took part in the return leg of the German exchange trip to the southwestern town of Tübingen. Pupils from the Keplar Gymnasium came over from Ger- many last October to be hosted by us and we all stayed with our respective exchange partners for the course of the week. We flew from Heathrow to Stuttgart to be welcomed by our German counterparts. The next day, we all experi- enced a typical German school day, which starts at 8 and ends at 4:30, and achieved a rich insight into German school life. On the second day, we took the train up to Stuttgart, the largest city of Baden-Württemberg. There, we went shopping, walked around the city centre and experienced the fascinating Mercedes Benz Museum, which showed machines from the 1800s right up to modern day F1 cars.

vocabulary and pronunciation and helped us to be more fluent in speaking Spanish. After lessons, we had time to swim in the sparkling blue water of the pool before lunch. Later that day, we went to the Katmandu Theme Park, which included a laser maze, an upside-down haunted house, a water park and a crazy golf course (which the teachers seemed to enjoy too!). In the evening we went to the beach – which we did most evenings – where we played some extremely competitive games of football (with some questionable refereeing decisions), volleyball, and buried each other in the sand. The next morning again included lessons and a swim before we got on a historic train across the island through beautiful scenery of mountains, olive groves and lemon trees. We ended up at Port de Sóller where we had an ice cream and a look around the charming town. The follow- ing day, we went go-karting. This was again a highly com- petitive experience, although the teachers usually won the races (until they were put in the smaller and slower cars!). Our final full day in Mallorca featured paintballing, which included games like ‘team deathmatch’ and ‘capture the flag’ in a few different arenas. We then went to the atmos- pheric capital of Mallorca, Palma, where we had another delicious ice cream and an opportunity to go shopping in the city centre as well as a quick visit and photo outside the impressive cathedral before going to the beach once again. After dinner, we watched the Champions League football featuring Manchester City and Real Madrid, with the Spanish side scraping a win on penalties. On our final day, we packed and got ready for our last lessons of the trip before taking the coach back to the airport, feeling sad to leave.



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