The Alleynian 712 2024


The College celebrated International Women’s Day with a week of events spotlighting inspirational women and inspiring allyship, says Oliver Gardner

I nternational Women’s Day 2024, officially celebrated on Friday 8 March, was marked by students and staff across the College with a week of assemblies, work- shops and meetings within our Union of Societies. One of the week’s standout events was our Lower School Careers Panel held in the Auditorium, where all Year 7 and Year 8 pupils had the opportunity to hear from three inspiring Dulwich College mothers. These women, successful in TV production, international journalism, and finance, shared their career journeys, providing invaluable insights and encouraging students to explore their own aspirations for the future world of work. Many thanks to Miss Cooke, Head of Lower School, for organising this brilliant event. The student leads of our Union of Societies also organ- ised impressive sessions throughout the week. BioMed- Soc hosted Dr Rocio Martinez-Nunez, a leading expert in RNA Biology and Immunity at King’s College London, who shared her cutting-edge research insights, demon-

strating the wealth of opportunities that are available to our students in the field of biomedical research. Art Soc organised a unique Tea Party event, inspired by Judy Chicago’s artwork The Dinner Party , fostering open dia- logues on gender representation in the art world. The forum fostered a space to discuss issues around the representation of women artists and how the performance of both male and female gender can be explored within artworks. Economics Society hosted Laetitia Girolami, the Global Banking Sustainability Lead at BNP Paribas CIB, who led a fantastic session on Sustainable Finance. Her discussion highlighted the role of financial markets in promoting a more sustainable future, inspiring students to consider the role of ethical investment in their future careers. The week exposed both students and staff to a wide array of fantastic speakers and subjects, spotlighting the incred- ible work of some inspirational women whilst impressing on all members of our community the importance of posi- tive allyship. ◉



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