The Alleynian 712 2024

Day, in 2019, involved 300 pupils volunteering at 20 loca- tions. In 2023, there were 820 Senior School pupils vol- unteering at 43 locations, and 2024 will see pupils visiting over 50 placement locations. Pupils, staff and placements alike have seen Service Day as a terrific success. CHARITY Our charitable undertakings at the College aim to raise awareness of the charities that we are involved with and the needs that they address, whilst promoting involvement. The intention is to share our time, talents and treasure, where our treasure will often involve the collection of funds. In 2023 over 50 pupils participated in the Lower, Middle and Upper School charity com- mittees, with our chosen charity for the year being The Uganda School Project (TUSP). TUSP was born when Harry Bucknell OA (2005) visited Uganda in 2016. He found Bumakenya Primary School in desperate need of help. He and Sean Richardson OA (2007) started their first project, which was the construc- tion of a classroom. It was paid for with £5000, which they had raised from a black tie event in London. Their guest list was made up of 20-year-olds and the tickets were only £30, but with the help of a raffle, they man- aged to pay for the first classroom. The College’s finan- cial support for TUSP has now reached nearly £50,000 – a figure that we are very pleased with, and which will make a big difference to the lives of the children reached by TUSP. In February 2024, Trevor Llewelyn, Secretary of the Old Alleynian Society and member of the College Charities

‘The boys do a fantastic job. It’s a pleasure to have them with us. Our members love having them around.’ Tina Johnston, Coordinator, Positive Ageing @ Blackfriars ‘ Thank you so much for the support you gave to our children today. I have already had so many glowing reports from the staff and children alike. The children also really benefited from support across play times, and it was lovely to see the interactions between your pupils and ours. A group have just visited my office to ask when they are they coming again.’ Kelly Foster, Headteacher, Kingswood Primary School ‘I am absolutely exhausted after today’s Service Day, but feel it went brilliantly well, so thank you so much everyone for being so upbeat and such good company! The pupils loved it and responded so well to the initiative.’ A College member of staff ‘The whole College team were amazing and just got stuck in straight away: perfect! We look forward to further collaboration next year!’

Helen Poyton, Headteacher, Dulwich Village Infants’ School

‘… how extremely glad I am that we took some of our boys to the Care Home. It was both joyful and sad, eye-opening and thought provoking for pupils (and certainly for me). The boys were amazing. I wish it was compulsory for all boys to spend some time in a Care Home.’ A College teacher ‘Your pupils made an excellent impression. Thank you for organising this event. We are happy knowing that real value was exchanged today.’ Link Age Southwark ‘The College boys were delightful, and your staff were amazing. They’ve made a huge difference and were a massive help.’ Headteacher, St George’s Primary School, Wandsworth



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