The Alleynian 712 2024

IMPACT 500 Many pupils have expressed an interest in being support- ed by the College as they undertake their own charitable initiatives. As a result of this, and through the committed leadership of Felix Peck (Year 13, Prefect for Community Action and Partnerships, 2023–24) and Hank Ze (Year 13, Vice Captain 2023–24, with oversight for Service Engagement), Impact 500 was established. i500 is an initiative created in order for pupils to have a platform through which social and environmental difference can be made, and needs can be met. Pupils volunteer for the i500 programme and complete it in their free time. In 2023–24 over 20 pupils committed to i500 through its dual focus on empathy through education (the research) and engagement through enterprise (the project). i500 allows for pupil ownership, agency and personal responsibility when it comes to a response to social and environmental need. It offers pupils involvement in the i500 community, which has a number of opportunities for group meetings and celebrations. Later in College life, i500 is a practical opportunity through which pupils can apply to join the 500 Club. This is a club composed of OAs and Upper School pupils who have demonstrated a consistent commitment to philanthropy and charitable en- deavour. Some of the charities that have been supported through i500 this year include: • Wings of Hope (education in India and Malawi) • Foundation Internacional Maria Luisa De Moreno (Colombia) • Centrepoint (homelessness) • Save the Rhino • Chase Shooting Star (supporting children and young people living with life-limiting conditions, and their families) • Athol House (supporting disabled residents) • Myanmar’s war orphans • Dulwich Almshouse (loneliness in the elderly) One thing that all the participants in our Impact 500 programme as well as those who fully engage in our charity and community action work will find is that Gandhi’s words hold a deep and profound mystery: ‘We find ourselves as we lose ourselves in the service of others.’ ◉

Leadership Committee, visited Uganda to witness at first hand the incredible work that TUSP are undertaking. Plans are currently in motion to organise a Summer 2025 school trip to see and be involved with the work of TUSP. We look forward to reporting back on the success of this trip in time to come. In addition to our support of TUSP this year, we have raised thousands of pounds for other charities through one-off events, including Christmas Jumper Day and Movember. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Sarah Smalley, Alex Hawes and Ellie Greenbury, who have led their charity committees with energy, enthusiasm and imagination. Our 2023–24 Charities Prefect, Matthew Da Costa Sher- wood (Year 13), had an exceptional year and deserves high praise for his leadership, vison, reliability and commitment.



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