The Alleynian 712 2024

RISE trophy as well as the First Aid trophy. Furthermore, WO1 Emilio Ali was nominated for the Sir John Thom- son Memorial Sword, an award bestowed upon the ‘top CCF(RAF) cadet’, and received the Regional Comman- dant’s Commendation. ARMY The beginning of the academic year was marked by DCCCF’s participation in the National First Aid compe- tition held in Bury. On both days, our junior and senior teams took part in a series of individual and group first aid scenarios, culminating with the senior team coming away with silverware. Additionally, the annual Recruits’ Camp provided cadets with a genuine experience of field living, as they slept in barns rather than billets. Through- out the camp, sections navigated various stands, including fire and movement, camouflage and concealment, and patrolling drills. The resilience and camaraderie displayed by everyone was second to none. The biennial inspection, hosted at St Martin’s Plain camp, allowed the Army section to rise to the challenge of per- fecting their drill. During February half term, the section participated in the Terry Walsh Cup, where their skills in first aid, observation and orders were put to the test. NAVY This year the Navy section has been on a wide range of off-site trips, providing an enriching experience for our cadets. In Portsmouth, we had the privilege of using the Royal Navy’s Damage Repair Instructional Unit (DRIU). This simulated a sinking ship environment and afforded our cadets the opportunity to learn and practise the meth- ods employed by serving personnel. Additionally, the trip included training in firefighting techniques, allowing cadets to gain hands-on experience with several types of hoses and extinguishers. Furthermore, we have exciting adventure training planned for later in the year. This will include paddleboarding and mountain biking, which proved highly popular in previous years. In the upcoming months we are also getting ready to host a competition tailored for the Navy section. Taking inspiration from the RAF’s Royal Air Squadron Trophy, this competition will encompass drill, naval knowledge, field gun exercises, and more. It aims to immerse cadets in a competitive environment before we open up the com- petition and invite more CCFs in future years. ◉


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