The Alleynian 712 2024

as ancient female poets and a fascinating discussion of the ancient world’s relationship with the natural sphere, presented by our society’s much-beloved head, Mr Drew, without whom the society will never be the same! I would like to wish the very best of luck to our wonderful new student presidents, Gabriel Todd-Hinton and Theo Mulaki (both Year 12), who will be taking charge in the Summer term. ◉ DEBATING SOCIETY JOSS WILDGOOSE BULLOCH (YEAR 13) Starting with our very own competition, Dulwich Schools, which we hosted in September, at least one Dulwich team has reached the finals at every competition we’ve attended this year; in some cases Dulwich teams have butted heads in these finals. We ended the Michaelmas Debating pre-season with high hopes for the Oxbridge regional rounds in the Lent term. Multiple times, we had triumphed over members of the England National Debat- ing Team, and we were becoming well known around the student debating circuit, owing perhaps to Daniel Gorr’s (Year 11) and my insistence that the Santa hats we wore to every debating competition were ‘an integral part of our debate uniform’. The progress we’d seen over the past 18 months of Umar Buckus’s coaching finally shone through when our Year 10 C Team, Atticus Dewe and Raphael Lerner, made it through to both the Oxford and Cambridge finals days. Our team for the International Competition for Young Debaters, run by Cambridge University, was composed of Year 10s Aidan Leung and Louie Sinclair, who made

a Dulwich first when they finished the tournament top of both the Speaker scores and the Team scores. The Debating Society at Dulwich is probably one of the most diverse clubs out there, notably in the wide range of year groups involved, with Year 7s sent out to rub shoul- ders with Year 13s in the mud of debating. Since I joined early in Year 12, the society has grown massively, to the point that we have to have debates over who exactly should be sent to represent us at competitions. United by our love of argumentation, we’re a collection of familiar faces, old friends, new arrivals and loose ends. ◉


Dismantling Society is a great place to learn how to disas- semble machinery professionally, in order to find out what is inside the everyday things we use. Through understand- ing how things work inside, we can learn how to repair them in future. At this club we have dismantled a lot of things, including computers, cameras, calculators, and even old type- writers. The head of the society, Mr Rowney, will always help members in their investigations and explain how the equipment works, even though there are a lot of people at the club. I look forward to every meeting of Disman- tling Society and I visit it with joy. It can also help you with studying Physics as you learn a lot about circuits and the structure of complex technologies. ◉



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