The Alleynian 712 2024

10/20, we finished in ninth place. We did have an individ- ual triumph, however, as our board 1, Suren Grigoryan (Year 12), joined a three-way tie for first on the top board with 4/5. It was an unfortunate ending overall, but nevertheless, the team greatly enjoyed the competitive experience. Dulwich’s chess team has moved up a level in terms of its chess playing and we hope we will continues to improve! ◉ WARHAMMER SOCIETY MR SUDDABY This has been a great year for Warhammer Society, with many new members joining our community. We celebrated Eco Week with a ‘trash bash’, doing our part to help recycle by transforming scrap plastic and broken toys into new minifigures and terrain. This was a testament to our members’ ingenuity and passion for environmental consciousness in a hobby dominated by plastic. International Women’s Day was honoured with a special addition to our collection: a Sister of Battle minifigure. This gesture not only recognizes the importance of inclusivity within our society but also highlights the significant role women play in the Warhammer universe. As we reflect on the past year, we’re proud of our achievements and look forward to another year of creativity, community and growth in Warhammer Society. ◉



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