The Alleynian 712 2024

Mr Mayo has expertly led the Chapel Choir for 20 years, and we will be very sad to see him go. He brings a lot of energy to the rehearsals, and he is the driving force be- hind all of our performances, whether at a Lower School Chapel Assembly or in a packed St Paul’s Cathedral. Be- cause I joined the Chapel Choir, I was awarded a singing scholarship, and I am given singing lessons with Mrs Hill. She has been a wonderful teacher, and has taught me to present a song like a story, to enunciate clearly and to project my voice, among other skills. I managed to pass my Grade 4 and Grade 5 exams with distinction, thanks to her help and guidance. The wide range of songs, from jazz to folk to classical, definitely helps me adjust my voice to different moods and styles of singing. Possibly my favourite piece studied with Mrs Hill was ‘Dove sei, amato bene?’ (‘Where art thou, my dear beloved?’) from Handel’s Rodelinda . When asked what she enjoys most about singing, Mrs Hill said: ‘When the music you’re sing- ing is great, there can be an almost indescribable sensa- tion of catharsis and often elation, whether you’re soaring over an orchestra in an aria, belting into a microphone for a film session, or singing with colleagues in a choir.’ I am always grateful for the way Mrs Hill makes our lessons fun and productive, and I can’t wait for Grade 6! In addition to the choirs and singing lessons at the school, the College offers other extra-curricular clubs and ac- tivities each term. One of my favourites is the College of Rock, in which bands from the Junior School to the Sixth Form perform classic rock songs and original material. Anyone who plays an instrument or sings should, I feel, get involved and form a band or group, even just to meet up once a week for some jamming. Overall, I would en- courage everyone to find a way to include singing in their lives. I have found singing so rewarding through my time at the College, and I look forward to continuing with it! After all, as the late great composer and lyricist Steven Sondheim said: ‘The only thing better than singing is more singing.’ ◉



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