The Alleynian 712 2024


up the ethos of the Modern Languages Department: she is friendly, kind, considerate and passionate about her language and culture. It has been a privilege to work with Eva, and we wish her all the best in her continuing journey as an artist as she retires from the College after 22 years of service. She will be always welcome in the Modern Languages Department and at Dulwich. ◉

Eva is a true polymath, and over her 20 plus years at the College she has brought this richness of expertise and experience to her pupils, to the Spanish Department and to the wider Dulwich community. Pupils choosing Spanish for A level are unlikely to have realised the levels to which their linguistic competence and cultural awareness were taken under her tutelage. The knowledge that she has imparted over so many years is extensive and impressive, ranging from the complexities and journey of modern Spain, the Civil War and Cataloni- an separatism, to Picasso and Picasso’s relationships. She introduced many students to degree-level research when studying the Civil War, and directed them to the work of Hispanist Paul Preston. Her first-hand expertise, through her active artistic practice, allowed pupils to deepen their understanding of the relationship between art and society. Further to this cultural depth and complexity, Eva has helped her pupils develop a deep knowledge, appreci- ation and expertise in spoken and written Spanish, with Year 13 pupils attaining a very high level of language and thought. Pupils in other years benefited immensely and her mocktail and ’Guernica’ workshops in the latter days of the Summer terms were carefully thought-out and inspiring. Former pupils speak fondly of their lessons with Eva, talking of how she pushed them to perform at their best whilst supporting them when they were in need of her help and guidance. Not only did her pupils profit, but also she was very helpful in widening her Spanish colleagues’ deeper understanding of the rich complexities that make up the collection of regions that now constitute modern Spain. She epitomises many of the qualities that make



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